
Saturday, March 28, 2015

Moment of Zen: True Bliss

Often, my MoZ for the week is a picture that I think is sexy or puts a smile on my face or something that I just enjoy.  It's meant to be a picture that brings a brightness to my day and yours.  This week, though, I had a true Zen moment.  It was a moment of peace and tranquillity, of happiness and contentment.  Actually there were several this week with my boyfriend: eating dinner in a restaurant at the top of a mountain with an incredible view, hiking trails and looking at the scenic beauty of Alabama, cuddling together and watching a movie, or sitting outside on a beautiful evening watching the sunset.  There were many other moments of intimacy that I will leave to your imagination. However, the true moment of Zen, that true bliss, came as I was laying next to my boyfriend, my head on his chest, and I realized in that moment I didn't have any pain (not even the minimum trace of a headache), I was happy and content (no depressive thoughts), and I was in the arms of someone I really care about and want to be with as much as possible.

It really was the best week.  I'm still experiencing some residual headaches, but they are less and less and there is more time between attacks.  It's no longer constant.  I still have points when I'm sad, but it's because of something, such as saying goodbye to my boyfriend and not getting to see him for a few days.  The amazing thing is that the pain is no longer constant nor is the depression.  I'm beginning to see real relief and that's a moment of Zen in itself.

I think this is the most I've ever said in an MoZ post before, but this MoZ was not about the picture, but the moment, though I think I found a pretty good picture to illustrate it.

The view from the restaurant.

A very small waterfall on a stream by the hiking trail.

An Alabama sunset at its most beautiful. 


  1. A very small waterfall is as beautiful as a large one. A small happiness is as wonderful a blessing as a large one. One of the lessons/gifts of a vacation is that we take the time to see the small beauties as well as the large. And they are all great and beautiful. Thanks for sharing the thoughts, the images, the happiness.

  2. Beautiful, Joe; your words and the pictures. So very happy you had such a great time. And that your meds are working is the icing on the cake. :)

  3. Perfect, Joe. I am SOOOOO happy for you!

    Beautiful pictures, I can see how they constitute several moments of Zen!

    Peace <3

  4. Such a happy post. I couldn't be happier for you Joe. What a lucky man you've found to lay your head upon.


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