
Monday, March 5, 2012

Frat Star Fridays!

I had planned on writing this post for last Friday, but with everything that was going on, I'm embarrassed to say, that I forgot. However, I want to introduce you to a new blogger, Frat Star. Frat Star has his own blog, A Bi Kid's Life, along with two other bloggers. After a short hiatus, they are back to blogging. I was introduced to Frat Star's writing by a friend of mine and have found it a wonderful change of pace. Frat Star also writes for BI LIKE ME every Friday in a segment called Frat Star Fridays. I hope that you will check out his writing because I think you will find it interesting.

On the most recent post by Frat Star on BI LIKE ME, he writes about his relationship with women, and I think that many of us can identify with:
I come from a family of strong women, and that prototype is still sexy to me. To some extent, I wish I was straight just so that I could fall in love with one of these women and learn to grow with them. I understand them. I like them. I just can't have sex with them anymore, because I've found that I connect with men far more. 
It may be a stereotype that gay men like strong women, but where would we be without them.  Many of my greatest friends have been strong women.

Check out Frat Star's blog, A Bi Kid's Life, I think that you will enjoy it.  And just a side note, it is apparent by Frat Star's writing that he is an intelligent young man.  He has a maturity with his language that I wish more people his age had.  It's very refreshing.


  1. I agree, Frat Star's writing is always very entertaining. I'm glad he and the others decided to keep the blog going.

  2. Frat Star provides another perspective, someone who has gone from S8, to bisexual to now gay and his journey has been an interesting one. While his outward appearance is masculine, he's quite emotional and loves to cuddle -- who knew?

  3. I don't understand why so many gay guys pretend to be bi. I think it must be a trait of those who are in denial or have associations of convenience with females.

    I look at these so called bi blogs and with very few exceptions the only pictures on the blogs are of guys. Where are the ladies?

    I don't really give a toss what someones sexuality is anymore than I do their religion or skin colour. I just hate pretentious phonies.

    1. You can't really tell if someone is pretending. Some people do like both guys and girls. Some have a preference of one over the other (such as myself),but it doesn't mean they're going to reject one over the other, like someone who is actually gay might. Regardless of what a bi person is like, at the end of the day, they'll do both guys and girls. Unless I'm wrong, I don't think a gay guy would.

      Secondly, the reason perhaps why the blog has only pictures of guys is because the blog is dedicated specifically to dealing with the gay side of their bisexuality. Just a thought.

  4. Guys, I really enjoy FratStar's writing. Phil and Anon, I have always believed that sexuality is a spectrum. Not all are completely gay or straight and there are those who are attracted to both. It's just the way the world works.


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