
Sunday, April 15, 2012

A Prayer of Hope

Generally, when I pray, it is a solitary moment when I have a conversation with God.  Thanking him for all that he does for me and praying for guidance.  I have a somewhat set way in which I pray, so I never use pre-written prayers.  However, I know that some do, and some wonder how to prayer.  The "Model Prayer": or "Lord's Prayer" is given to us by Jesus in the Matthew 6:9-15. It is probably the prayer we most hear and is how Jesus teaches us how to pray.

Below is a prayer for hope.  I found this prayer while searching the internet and fell in love with the beauty of it, though I have altered it a little.  There are times when we need to share with God our outlook, and a prayer of hope and strength is an important part of our conversations with God. We need to tell God what we want or what we need. Sometimes God will agree, sometimes he will use those times to point us in His direction. Yet a prayer of hope also means giving us a lift when we know God is there, but maybe are struggling to feel or hear Him. Here is a simple prayer you can say when you feel hopeful:
Dear Lord, thank you so much for all the blessings you have provided in my life. I have so much, and I know it is all because of you. I ask you today to continue to provide me with these blessings and to provide me with the opportunities I need to continue to do your work here.
You always stand beside me. You provide me with a future full of your love, blessings, and guidance. I know that, no matter how bad things get, you will always be by my side. I know I may not see you. I know I may not feel you, but I thank You for giving us Your Word that tells us you are here.
Give me the strength I need. Protect me each step of the way. Be with me each time I come out to a friend, a loved one, or a relative. Prepare the way for me, so Your love will transform their hearts.  Give me the strength to face those show hatred to me and those like me, who you created to love unconditionally and to be true to our hearts.  Thank you for giving me the strength to be who I am and face the daily prejudices of the world.
You know my dreams, Lord, and I know it is a lot to ask to realize those dreams, but I ask that you hear my prayer of hope. I would like to think that my hopes and dreams are all part of your plans for me, but I trust that you always know best. I put my dreams in your hands to mold and fit to your will. I surrender my hopes to you. In Christ's name, we pray, Amen.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13


  1. Wonderfully "adapted" for this site, JoeBlow. It helps if we put our prayers onto paper for our personal use. And this is one that is for sharing.

  2. I can't say how much I "fall in love" with this post. It's so beautiful and like silvereagle said "adapted" for this site and for that I tweet it. Thank you for this post and thank you for put a little sunshine with that in my sunday.

  3. Wonderful. Thanks.
    Peace <3


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