
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Moment of Zen: Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day is a federal holiday observed annually in the United States on the last Monday of May. Formerly known as Decoration Day, it originated after the American Civil War to commemorate the fallen Union soldiers of the Civil War. By the 20th century Memorial Day had been extended to honor all Americans who have died in all wars. Memorial Day is a day of remembering the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. As a marker it typically marks the start of the summer vacation season, while Labor Day marks its end.


  1. The picture you used for your header is in Moret sur Loing where Corot lived and painted and where there lives a pair of male swans that have mated for life.
    At least I think I recognize it. Isn't it?

    love your blog

  2. Re; Memorial Day...I am a veteran (who came out while on active duty, many years ago), but I am always amazed at people's ignorance about Memorial Day. To honor those who have died for their country is what today is all about. We also have Veterans' Day, which started out to commemorate the Armistice which stopped the fighting in World War I, and that holiday has been stretched to remember all who served their country (living or dead). People, it's two different events. Both, really, should remind us of the humman cost of wars, which take their toll on both those who die during combatt and on those who survive, often with psychological and/or physical wounds that may affect them the rest of their lives. War sucks.
    If we spent a quarter of what we give to armaments and the armed forces on diplomacy and foreign assistance the world would be a better (and safer) place. So let's remember this weekend those who died in wars. And let's think how we can stop it from happening again and again. "Imagine all the people, living in a world of peace...."

  3. Happy Memorial Day Joe!! I hope you have a safe and relaxing holiday weekend. We look back on our fallen military personnel tomorrow who gave lives to protect so many freedoms we have and may have in the future. I enjoy your blog very much. Is it okay if I add you to my blog roll listing?

  4. Thanks, raulito. The header above is actually a bridge located in town of Amboise, France, that is over the Loire River. If you want to read more about it, you can read one of my original posts:

    Thanks for the comment, brotherdoc. As someone with a MA in Military History, I always try to honor both Memorial Day and Veterans Day. For my MA, I studies America in WWI because I always found that the war was such a waste because of the massive amount of militarism that lead to the war. It truly saddened me, and I wanted to learn more.

    "." Happy Memorial Day. Though it is a solemn occasion, it is also a time to celebrate and remember those who gave their lives for our freedoms. I would be more than happy for you to add my blog to your blog roll list. I'm not for sure if I have your blog listed on mine or not, but if not, let me know what your blog address is and I will add it to mine.


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