
Thursday, January 3, 2013

No Post Tomorrow

I have a busy day planned tomorrow with limited Internet access most of the day.  If I have a chance to post, I will, but it is doubtful. I plan on having too good of a time.  I may technically be one of the groomsmen, but I am the honorary maid of honor.


  1. I was a maid (man) of honor once, the groom had a best man (maid). The preacher looked at us pretty funny for about 3 seconds, then he just laughed and carried on. HAVE A GREAT TIME!!!!

    Peace <3

  2. So,JoeBlow, the truth is finally out --- you are a true bi-sexual, being both the groomsman and the honorary maid of honor at the same time!!! Damn!! Certainly glad to know you...but whatever side you are on before, during, and after the main event, be sure to have a fantasctic time for all your followers here!!!


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