
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Monday, Monday

Well, it's Monday again.  Yuck!  The weekend was not long enough, and there was just too much to be done this weekend to get much rest.  But there is also not much to blog about today.  I hope you are all enjoying the beauty of spring.  The South is one of the most beautiful places in the world during spring when the flowers are blooming and fragrant.


  1. Flowering Bradford Pear - Beautiful, white, and smells like a skunk....
    Wisteria...Lavender covers the trees, invasive, and do not cut to bring inside...will make your head explode...

    But~~~ The lovely Japanese Magnolia as you have pictured, together with that handsome young male gardner, naturist, or whatever....well, I need both of them!!!!


  2. I have a sweet shrub in front of my house and it is beautifully fragrant and greets me each time I walk outside.

  3. It as 80 and sunny as can be today. My windows are open, and I am laughing at the power company! No $$$ from me this week!

    Peace <3

  4. Oh, and the cherry blossom is beautiful (and so are the trees)!

  5. I agree, the weekend is never long enough. Nice pic!


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