
Monday, April 29, 2013

Sometimes...I Have to Write About Nothing

The only problem with writing a daily blog is that every now and then, I have nothing to write about, or I can't find anything to share with you guys.  Sometimes, it's the opposite.  I have what I think are two or three good ideas, and I have to decide which one to use, and then I have to decide if the others can be used another day.  On Tuesdays, I know I can always find a poem; Saturdays, I can usually find a "Moment of Zen;" and on Sundays, I can usually find a Bible verse if nothing else.  Today, is one of those days that I just can't think of anything to write about.  I've checked out the gay news sources, and nothing popped out at me. Nothing else has struck me as interesting either.  I'm sure there is something, but it eludes me right now.

So today, I am writing about nothing, because I can't think of anything to write about.


  1. Excellent post!!! Honest and staright to the point. I have heard many sermons, speaches, and other presentations in which the presenter would have done a much better job had he said "I have nothing to say worth saying" and then sat down! Thanks!!!!!

  2. I have the same problem. I have no regular posts for Mondays and Friday's can be tough.

  3. You may not have found anything to write about, but you found something very nice indeed to look at!

  4. Tis all righty by me! We all need a break occasionally.

    Peace <3

  5. That's okay because everybody has days like that. I just enjoy the blog no matter what you're discussing. :)


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