
Friday, August 9, 2013

First Day

Our first day was yesterday, and it was a long one.  I left the house at 8am after getting dressed and fixing myself a cup of coffee, because our letter told us to report at 9am.  Since it's a 40 minute drive, I was expecting to be early; however, unbeknownst to me and half the other teachers who actually read the letter, everything started at 8am, not 9am.  There was apparently a typo.

Things did not start out too well, but it got better.  After an initial meeting we were dismissed to our rooms to get them ready for open house that night.  Open house was at 6pm.  I went and visited with my parents part of the afternoon because they are closer than driving home and then back to school.  Our open house was a bit chaotic, because parents (like their children) don't k ow to shut up when someone is talking. After eating and meeting with parents, I went over to a friends house for a little while and did not get home until nearly 11pm.  Yes, the last part is my fault.  I could have been home about 8:30, but decided to visit a while first.

Though the letter said to report today at 8am, we were assured that we need not be there until 9am,  so like yesterday morning I am going to leisurely head to school about 8am, after fixing my coffee, hoping I don't get another phone call on my way asking where I am.

Tomorrow will probably be a long day as well.  We will probably have some professional development in the morning.  After they feed us lunch and hopefully dismiss us for the day, I am going to meet my mother in Montgomery to do a little shopping.  When we finish shopping I will probably head to a friends house for our usually Friday evening of drinks and relaxation.

I will rest up this weekend, then be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed Monday morning for what I am optimistically referring to as a fantastic school year with the kids.


  1. Well, Joe Blow, look at it this can only get better!!! LOL Good Luck young man....Hang in there, bright eyes and bush tail!!!

  2. I'm on the other side... I'll be taking part in orientations and Meet the Teacher in a couple weeks. Jr. is heading into the 5th grade. UGH, time is flying by.


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