
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Remember Who We Are

And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them.But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, "Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it." And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them.
Mark 10:13-16

When Michelangelo created a sculpture, he could see the sculpture within the marble before he began.  When asked how he created a piece of sculpture, he answered that the sculpture already existed in the marble.  God had already created the Pieta, David, and Moses, Michelangelo saw his job as getting rid of the excess marble to reveal God's creation.

 We are the same way.  We don't need to create the perfect "self," God has already created it.  Our perfect self is God's unconditional love that lives within us.  Our job is to allow the Holy Spirit to remove the fearful thinking, limiting beliefs, wrong conclusions about the past, and any other negatives that surround our perfect self, just as Michelangelo removed the excess marble to create his perfect sculptures.

God's love for His children reaches beyond our behavior, our circumstances and our sin.  In her book A Return to Love, Marianne Williamson writes:
To remember that we are part of God, that we are loved and loveable, is not arrogant.  It's humble.  To think we are anything else is arrogant, because it implies that we're something other than a creation of God.  Nothing we have ever done or will do can mar our perfection in the eyes of God.  We are deserving in God's eyes because of what we are, not because of what we do.
What we do or don't do is not what determines our essential value.  It may determine our personal growth, but not our value.  That is why God approves and accepts us as LGBT Christians.  We were not created in sin; we were created in love.

In reality, our personal spiritual journey, is not so much a journey toward as it is a return to love.  It is that same pure, simple, guiltless, perfect love that we came into the world possessing.  It's time to "remember who we are."  We should turn to God and exercise our free will by telling Him that we are willing to look at our lives, our circumstances, our feelings, our relationships differently.  This "different look," with consistent focus and intention, will allow the Holy Spirit to being healing light into our heart and mind.  This light will dissolve away all that is not truth, all that is not love, returning us to the true essence of Christ, being one with Him.  Then we will experience God's peace, the peace that cannot be put into words.

We need to remind ourselves that God created us in love and in His image.  We have everything we need to overcome the fears that have accumulated in our lives.  Through God, we have access to the wellspring of perfect love.

Sent from my iPad


  1. Thanks, I needed that. Been beating myself up lately.

  2. Why is it that when I am feeling bad I can read one of your posts and it is just what I needed to hear. I think that you and your writing are a gift from God. I am thankful to him for letting me find this blog. LOVE AND HUGS

  3. It is just a shame that the vast majority in the church do not accept us LGBT people, that we are cast out from the church and from religion.

  4. I really enjoyed your inspiring post today.
    Specially when you mention Michaelangelo's thoughts.

    God has plans for us that we don't even know: WE are ALL part of his plans and NOBODY have the right to reject any human being as trash..

    I believe in the REAL God. Not only the Christian one, but the UNIVERSAL one..
    He is the wiser and the most loving being.

    For Michaelangelo, he suffered alot about his «homosexuality» and did struggle all his lifetime about it...
    The David,as a matter of fact, was carved in a piece of marble that NO other sculptur wanted...
    Also, the David just EXACTLY fitted the hight of it and even if this marble was «unperfect» Michelangelo did a MASTER piece out of it...
    That is a real achievement and also means that, even from «unperfect material», can come out beauty and perfection...

    I could say so many facts on this David..

    Michalangelo is one of my favorite artist, being myself an artist and art teacher...

    Have a nice and peaceful and filled with love Sunday.

    Love and Peace to all.

  5. I love this, because I knew this! Thanks, JoeBlow for allowing me to feel good for a change.

    Peace <3


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