
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Winter Is Here...

I think it's finally decided to get cold for a little while here in South Alabama.  For the next few weeks, the temperature is not expected to rise above the low 60s with lows in the low 30s. I have one friend who would say, "Quit your bitchin'!"  But then again he lives in the frigid north.  To be honest though, I am not complaining.  I love the cooler weather.  I have three reasons to enjoy cooler weather.  First, I prefer winter clothes to summer clothes, because I usually wear long-sleeved dress shirts to work. Second, you can walk outside without breaking an immediate sweat (It was in the mid to upper 80s just a few days ago).  Third, it doesn't get too cold here in the winter, so it's never that bad.  It could be worse.  The high could be -3 degrees as it was for my friend up north.

I used to have a teacher in high school who would always say, "I love cold weather.  You can always put on enough clothes to be warm, but legally, you can't take off enough clothes to be cool when it's hot and humid."  Unless I have a pool to swim in, I do not like the very hot and humid summers here in Alabama.

I'm hoping it will at least stay fairly cool through New Years, but Alabama winters can be quite unpredictable.  I've known more than a few Christmases and New Years to be quite warm and short sleeve weather.  I never have liked warm Christmases.  I prefer a cold Christmas so that you can gather around a warm fire.

So I am going to pose a question for you guys:  Do you prefer cold weather or hot weather? Why?


  1. I prefer cooler weather but not the bone chilling cold weather we had over the last week. I prefer fall to winter in Denver. I have a big collection of sweaters and coats that I like wearing. I like being able to dress in layers which one can’t usually do in summer unless you’re in the high country.

  2. Nice post again...

    I prefer mid-cold temperature like the one we have in automn and spring, more than HOT humid summer temperature. As you said, we can just add more layers of clothes to be more confortable...

    It's funny because last evening I was one Skype with a cute 32yo Brazilian that doesn't really like HOT temperature and will immigrate in Québec City because he just love cold winter here..

    Yesterday he was sweating even at night time with some 90°F (35°C).
    Complaining about it too...

    I liked it because he was shirtless ....
    Must admit that I could feel his «heat» when he told me so nice and cute words with such a great smile too... WOOOOFFF !

    I'm in LOOOOOOOVE!

    (((( HUGS )))) To warm you up...

  3. I think your teacher paraphrased me. I don't love the cold. I'm a physically hot person to begin with, my bf's have all said sleeping with me is like sleeping with a furnace, so cold or cooler weather is more comfortable. I can put on my clothes, I love how I look in big bulky sweaters, and I can slip under think, heavy blankets. But warm, humid weather? I function in it very well I just don't like being sweaty and sticky and getting out of the shower and still being sweaty.

    What I enjoy most is a change of seasons and love fall more than spring because of the hot sun but cool winds.

  4. I like it to be hot enough to be comfortable when I'm naked at home. It's really the humidity, but the air has to be warm enough to hold the moisture.

    I don't like having my fingers go numb in the cold or having the snow crystals blown in my face by 25 mph winds.

  5. I grew up in southeast Texas and remember the hot and humid mess that sits around Houston all summer. Years later when I was visiting, I wondered how I endured it. Then I remembered that we spent most of our time outdoors in the water -- a pool or a lake or the Gulf.

    Now I live in south central Wisconsin where the high today was 5 above and the low tonight will be 6 below. I have learned to wear layers and layers and layers. But having suffered frostbite on my face from a biting wind in subzero weather when working in Chicago, I know that you have to be sure that you have put all those layers of clothes where they are needed.

    I prefer fall weather, even more than spring, because I like the crisp air. I like sunny days, though, and the wake-up feeling that spring days bring after dark winter grays.

    In winter, I like to crawl into a warm bed naked. With the right source of heat! And in the summer, a cool bed -- with the right source of Cool.

  6. I love the cold, much for the same reason your friend does. While I am a nudist at heart, nudism in public continues to be frowned upon, even in the summertime! HAHAHA

    It's been cold AND wet here, which I detest, but cold alone is fine with me. If it gets good and cold between Christmas and New Years I'll probably go CAMPING in the mountains of Virginia. Care to join me?

    Peace <3

    ps, love the change to a separate comment page. Beats getting your comment erased by the refresh of your page!

  7. Part of the reason I left Florida (and the south in general) is because it seemed to be hot all year round. I got tired of getting ready for work, walking out the door and immediately being drenched in sweat.

    Of course, tonight the low is -2, so I've traded one extreme for another. But on the plus side, I've got flannel sheets. :-)

    Today at school we had a meeting in my classroom and every teacher was commenting on how wonderful it felt. I told them that during the winter I want my classroom to feel like you're walking into a warm blanket.

  8. I've thought more about it.

    A big reason I'm no fan of the cold weather is that the air is too dry. I have to put lip balm on to prevent my lips from chapping; I have to put lotion on mmy legs to prevent the skin from flaking and itching; and I have to put Bag Balm on the ends of my fingers to prevent the ends from developing painful cracks like paper cuts on the tips.

  9. I like cool temperatures--I feel energised and alert. I could never live in or close to the South because heat and humidity knock me out and rob me of energy. The seasons, in my descending order of preference are fall/spring, winter and (except for the opportunity to garden) summer.


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