
Monday, February 24, 2014

Alabama High School Un-Bans Same-Sex Prom Couples

An Alabama high school that previously banned same-sex couples from attending prom has reversed its policy after an outcry from students.

Earlier this week, it came to light that Greenville High School had said it would allow only "traditional couples" –- meaning a male and a female –- to attend prom, according to local outlet WSFA-TV.

Interim Superintendent Amy Bryan abolished the anti-gay policy soon after she learned of its existence.  Had Mrs. Bryan known of the policy before it was given to students, then it would have never been an issue; however, the school administrator circumvented Mrs. Bryan in the decision process, issuing it without her knowledge or approval.

"An administrator issued a list of prom rules that included a discriminatory statement," she said, per WSFA. "No one lost their right to go anywhere. It's unfortunate it was in our rules, and all children will be welcome to the Junior-Senior Prom."

Gay student Sarah Smith spoke to WAKA-TV about the issuing of the rule. "There was actually a straight girl sitting beside me, and she was getting more mad than I was about it. So that made me feel pretty good to know that somebody was on our side," Smith said.
Smith helped bring the offensive policy to light via Facebook.

"Me and one of my friends, we actually got together and we actually wrote a post on Facebook and it just went from there. Today they [school administrators] lifted it [the ban], so we can pretty much take whoever we want to prom now, so we're all excited about that," she told WAKA on Wednesday.

Over the course of the past few years there have been a slew of controversies surrounding schools' policies on prom couples. A group of residents in Sullivan, Ind., came under fire last year after proposing a "gay-free" prom that would take place outside of school. The local high school, on the other hand, allowed same-sex couples to attend the school's official prom.

"We are conservative around here. That's just the way of this town," Nancy Woodard, who lives in Sullivan, told The Associated Press at the time. "In any town in this county, you'll find four or five churches no matter how small the town. ... The Bible is a big belief system here."

It's prom season and in conservative areas, there will be attempts at banning "non-traditional couple."  I, personally, am very proud of the immediate and swift actions took by Interim Superintendent Amy Bryan to abolish the policy.  It shows that however backward Alabama politicians may be, there are still good people in Alabama who believe in equal rights.

Interesting the first gay couple known to attend a prom together was on May 30, 1980:
First American Gay Male Couple to Attend Senior Prom 
Aaron Fricke was in his final year at the Cumberland (Rhode Island) High School when he publicly came out as gay. He asked Paul Guilbert to the senior prom (the school's most important social dance event). 
His principal prohibited their attendance, saying the move "upset other students, sent the community abuzz, and rallied out-of-state newspapers to consider the matter newsworthy." It also earned Fricke five stitches under his eye when he was attacked in the hallway. 
Fricke filed a lawsuit in Federal court with the help of the ACLU, charging that the school district was infringing on his first amendment right to free speech. "I feel I have the right to attend," he told the judge. "I feel I want to go to the prom for the same reason any other student would want to go." 
The judge agreed (Fricke v. Lynch pdf), and not only ordered the school district to allow the young gay couple to attend, but required the school to increase security in case there were any problems. 
So, on May 30, 1980, Fricke and Guilbert attended the prom, and the judge's decision inFricke v. Lynch became an important legal precedent. Fricke later wrote about his experiences in Reflections of a Rock Lobster: A Story about Growing Up Gay. He also collaborated with his father on another book, about coming out, entitled Sudden Strangers: The Story of a Gay Son and His Father.
I admit, I went to my prom with a girl, and I had a wonderful time.  However, that was long before I had figured out the whole gay thing.  Where I grew up (in Alabama, by the way), it was so completely unacceptable that it didn't cross my mind until I was in college that I could be gay, and then it took a few years to work out all the feeling. 

What was your prom experience like?


  1. ""Me and one of my friends, we actually got together and we actually wrote a post on Facebook and it just went from there. Today they [school administrators] lifted it [the ban], so we can pretty much take whoever we want to prom now, so we're all excited about that," she told WAKA on Wednesday."

    GAWD!!! I hope she is not an English Major!!!

  2. Just when you think the world is headed back into the closet -- and yes, i'm talking to you Uganda and you, too, Arizona -- you see these little bright spots of progress.

  3. OMG!

    Your «progress» as Bob Slatten says, are so little and always done under public pressure and Facebook denounciations...

    I'm surprised that, even after the 1980 judgement, some «autorities» are still forbiding the right to be what your really are and go into your life activities with THE ONE you love.

    As it was told in your text:" The Bible is a big belief system here."
    I'm outraged about this statement because in the «Bible», Jesus showed in so many ways that «tolerance» and respect of any human is LOVE an MUST BE the leading spirit in your life......

    Bigots and hypocrites are those who stand by the Bible to shield their twisted minds and intolerance to all what's different than their «normal way of living»...

    Do I hate double faces people?
    YES !

    So, when I hear stories about those back and forth «autorities cha-cha», after all what is going on in the free world and the «Human Rights Act of UN», that makes me sick and desperate of my own humanity.

    For your main question, here in Province de Québec, we were not doing those «proms» in my time.
    That custom came from you, USA, and his gong on in our high schools since the 80's.

    I never had any «prom activity» for myself and not even after my university bacc.

    It's a real crazy thing to see those 16-17yo guys spending so much money (often their parents money) to make their prom as glamourous as possible...
    Hey, high scghool is not such an achievement...
    AND now, even our primary school senior (here primary is only 6 years) have their «prom»...

  4. I, too, went with a girl. But back then, it was all about appearing as "normal" as possible. Our "scandalous" event was a boy/girl couple who came in matching red, white and blue satin tuxes. It was 1976, you see!

    It's good to see that even a Southern community can be open-minded. I think more people are OK with all of us than the spittle-flecked Christofacists would have us believe.

    Peace <3

  5. I went to my prom (junior? senior? both?) with a nice girl who liked me and who otherwise would not have had a date. Unfortunately, it turned out that she mistook it for an indication that I was interested in her. So I was unintentionally leading her on. It was only when I went to the monastery, six years later, that she realized that I'd never be hers.


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