
Wednesday, April 30, 2014


A sapiosexual is one who finds intelligence the most sexually attractive feature.

I want an incisive, inquisitive, insightful, irreverent mind. I want someone for whom philosophical discussion is foreplay. I want someone who sometimes makes me go ouch due to their wit and evil sense of humor. I want someone that I can reach out and touch randomly, and I want that someone to be somebody that I can cuddle with.   I have decided all that means that I must be a sapiosexual.

I also want someone that won't find me boring   I have a lot of trivial knowledge in my head and have been described as being very passionate about many topics.  Sometimes that knowledge comes pouring out and I want someone who eyes will not glaze over with utter boredom.

Occasionally, I come across a word that just fascinates me.  Sapiosexual came from the Urban Dictionary.  This particular word seemed to describe me pretty well.  The one ing I would add is that I would prefer that other person have  a penis.  I guess that makes me a "homo" sapiosexual.  How many of you would describe yourself as a "homo" sapiosexual.


  1. Liking the new word! I even have a dictionary app that I fool around with (heh, heh!) and have not run across this word before.
    I even found a Sapiosexual Test on OkCupid. I would share my score but I am afraid it might make me look less sapiential myself ...

  2. MMS. Not sure if I'd classify myself as homo-sapiosexual -- yes on homo and yes on sexual :-) That said, I definitely find guys who are intelligent, passionate, witty, insightful, curious and naughty very attractive. And yes, a penis is a must have requirement. So maybe that does make me an HSS. I've been labeled so many things, this one might not be so bad lol. PS boring? Never.

  3. Well Joe did say that a penis was also required lol. Love FarSide and I agree intelligence doesn't always mean a great connection, but being able to relate and converse on several different topics is much more likely to result in a LTR.

  4. As for me.....Homo sexual, Bi sexual, Old sexual, any term you wish, please, just be sure it is not A-Sexual!!!

  5. Sign me up! You sound like my ideal guy!

    Peace <3

  6. mogust complexI never had a word for it until this post of yours, but I have always found brains in a man sexy. It's not the only quality or even the predominant quality, but along with a warm, outgoing personality, all his natural body hair, hopefully a beard, and definitely a talent for kissing, intelligence will clinch the deal for me every time.

  7. Yes me too. There are other qualities I look for but I find an intelligent mind very sexy.

  8. a super smart guy or gal drives me crazy! I just want to listen and learn and hash out ideas excessively!!! Love this about Randy Potts btw. however, I'm not sure that I'm sexually attracted all that much, but the smarts definitely would trump the looks if I met the right one etc... :)


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