
Friday, August 8, 2014

Zero-To-5K Plan

So a younger cousin of mine has asked me to start a running program with him.  God knows, I need to be in better shape.  I've been doing a lot of sitting on the couch and not enough time being active.  I feel a little lumpy. Other than walking all over Six Flags and around Dallas last week, the most exercise I've had is walking from the sofa to the fridge and clicking through television channels. I see hot guys at the top of their game on the sports and on gay websites, and it has inspired me to get in shape once again.  I've let myself go too long.  But let's face it, I'm not in any shape to lace up my shoes and go for a run. If I did, I'd have pains in my side, wouldn't be able to catch my breath and would barely be able to make it around the block.

I could quit and go back to life as a couch potato, but I don't want to do that.  I've also never been motivated enough to work out regularly on my own, so when my cousin suggested we follow the Zero-to-5K Running Plan, I thought it would be a good idea. The nine-week program is designed to enable me to transform my sedentary lifestyle into an active one where I can run for 30 minutes or 5 kilometers (3.1 miles). The plan's structure is supposed to prevent new runners from giving up and at the same time challenges them to continue moving forward.

We are planning to start on Monday.  I may not be able to lose a lot of the weight I want to, but I want to be in better shape.  I want to be healthier, and if I get the physical part going then I know I can get the nutritional part of my life under control too.

Have any of my readers put there ever tried one of the Zero-(sometimes called Couch)-to-5K running plans?  If you have, I'd love to know your experience.  Is there anyone else trying to venture into a healthier lifestyle?

Hopefully, I will be off to the races before I know it.


  1. I'm trying to exercise and eat better (less quantity, much less junk food, less processed food). Started going to the YMCA in late May at least 4 days per week. That's a major mental victory for me since I have avoided all gyms due to the fond (NOT!) memories of Jr High PE!

    Keep a log of what you do somewhere. Maybe a spreadsheet or calendar or something! I looked back on the first of Aug and was very proud of the days I worked out in July and June. That was an encouragement that this is becoming a new habit and lifestyle not just a phase.

    I'd suggest (at some point) you look at adding some strength training to your cardio. But, for me, little changes along seem to stay habit much more than a bunch of major changes at once (which seem overwhelming...)
    Remember braces move the bones (teeth) around in your head by applying a constant gentle pressure!

  2. Good luck with the program. I have not followed this particular one, but I did do a graduated-aerobic-activity-with-companion thing some years ago and it worked quite well.

    I endorse the recommendation for tracking activities. It helps personal accountability. And -- if it's an issue -- just keeping track of what you eat and drink will help make you more conscious of what you are doing and make it easier to choose more wisely. But don't go nuts!

    Be happy, be safe and be well.

  3. Find the guys in the photos to run with...and you will be doing zero to five in much less time than you think possible....and will be even leading the pack!!! Go for it!!! Outrun all the 'skeeters in the area there.....

  4. Oh, one more idea -- you might want to take a picture of yourself monthly or something so you can see your body changing progress. That can be an encouragement when you hit a slow period.

  5. I haven't done that program but I do wear a Fitbit that records the steps I take. I hadn't focused on how sedentary I've been till I realized I am nowhere near the recommended 10,000 steps a day (just to maintain your weight). Yay you!


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