
Monday, October 27, 2014

Halloween Costumes

My favorite holiday of the year is Halloween. Since Halloween falls on a Friday this year, I may even try and do something special for my students.  I will try and make it a fun week for my students.  I know my English class will be reading Macbeth, which has the wonderfully evil witches.  I'm not sure what I will do special for my history classes, but I might tell some historical ghost stories.  The kids love them.

Halloween the day when we usually don't have to wear our masks anymore. I think that this is the reason why it has long been a favorite holiday for gay men. My best friend had her annual Halloween Party this last weekend, but since she loves in Louisiana, I can't make it down every year, but when I go, it's always a blast.  This Saturday, I will be going to a Halloween party hosted by a co-worker.

In an effort to wear a fairly simple costume, I decided that this year I will go as Clark Kent.  I won't look anywhere near as good as Derek Hough does above, but I will go as an out of shape Clark Kent.  So do any of you have Halloween plans?  Will you be going in costume?  If so, what will be your costume?


  1. Well, Joey,

    There should be a nice man... well he'd have to do a bit better than nice. Who would have whipped or at least had the courtesy to pound you into shape... Never too late though...

  2. Back in 1984-85, I attended a year-long certificate program at St. Louis University for priests, religious brothers and nuns who were preparing to become formation directors. We had a wonderful Halloween party and the next day I mentioned to the Jesuit who ran the program how much fun it had been.
    "Yes," he laughed, "sometimes it's fun to pretend to be someone else for a while."
    I responded, "Or pretend to be yourself."

    Since I am no longer working, I doubt I will dress up this year, although I might for the sake of the two kids who will come to our house for candy. I have a great sailor's costume, have a railroad engineer's outfit from my days running a museum gift shop, and can put together a St. Francis or a medieval scholar thing if I work a little bit. I was always a big hit at the library when I worked there.
    I suspect you make a better Clark Kent than you think ...

  3. I love your Clark Kent costume and I think it'll look great! As for me...well I'm not dressing up this year even though this is probably one of my favorite holidays. I'm taking my youngest trick or treating since this will probably be his last year...LOL. He's been Mario for the last three years...can you guess what this year is? :)

  4. No plans, will sit tight and hope no one knocks on the door, curmudgeon that I am.

    Peace <3

  5. No plans. Will keep lights off as usual. No neighborhood kids so no treats. Grouch. Mean stingy old man


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