
Saturday, November 29, 2014

Moment of Zen: Pharmacy Guy

I thought that yesterday, I could just snuggle the day away, but it wasn't to be.  However, one thing made my day.  I had to go pick up some prescriptions at the pharmacy, and the cute guy who works at the pharmacy was working yesterday.  He's got a sexy new haircut and a bit of scruff going on, beautiful blue eyes, a nice bubble butt, and a charming smile.  He always smiles, so I have no idea if he's smiling at me or he's just really nice.  We've had conversations a few times when I've gone in to pick up a prescription and it wasn't ready yet, but mostly, it's just a lot of eye flirting.

I have no idea if he's really as sweet and adorkable as he seems, but I'd sure like to find out.  He looks a tad like the guy in the picture above but isn't quite as perfect, which makes him all the more attractive.  I just want to take him home with me and do dirty things with him (that and get to know him better), but alas, I have no idea what I could do to show I'm interested other than a little flirting.

I told a friend (jokingly) that I could walk in and say, "Can I snap a picture of you?  My friend doesn't believe you could be as cute as I describe you as being.  I love proving him wrong."  I fear though that: A) he wouldn't find that charming, B) that he is actually straight (though the glittered lanyard he wears with his name tag seems to indicate otherwise), C) I'd totally embarrass myself because he is just being very nice and I'd never be able to step foot in my pharmacy again, or D) he'd think I was an old pervert since I have a strong suspicion that he is at least ten or fifteen years younger than me (I will be 37 tomorrow).

One of these days, maybe I will have the courage to do something more than flirt a little with my eyes and smile at him just to see that gorgeous smile of his.  I do know that his name is Landon, so if by some miracle he is a reader of my blog, which I highly doubt, but just in case, maybe he'll send me an email or slip me his number next time I'm in the pharmacy if he's interested.


  1. You are in a small town as I recall. Ask him if he would enjoy going to the next big city for dinner or a movie sometime...certainly would not hurt, and I am sure he would appreciate the invite to a social life...No need to ask for more than a chat and have many friends who are not gay, and he might be one of them.

    1. You're right, but I go to the pharmacy in the big city. That will probably work in this instance too.

  2. My two cents. Business people you interact with should always make the first move. So much friendly interaction in a business setting is just good business and nothing else. That said, compliment him on that nice haircut or something similar - something obvious but personal in a non-sexual way e.g. I wouldn't comment on him dressing left. It shows your interest and, if you only get a thanks out of it, a friendly lack of interest on his part. If you want to be incredibly forward, but still somewhat within the boundaries of a professional interaction, ask him for a recommendation for a personal lubricant and then if he'd had a satisfactory experience with anything he recommends. If he refers your question to someone else, write it off as an epic fail and keep all your further dealings strictly professional.

    1. Like the idea of asking his opinion on lube.

  3. This is dangerous territory. Try to confirm that he's gay before you make a move. Is he on facebook? A guy asking a guy to a movie or dinner? That would only happen between gays. Ask him to your hunting lodge, that might happen between straight guys.

    This is the bad thing about being gay - the 10% (at most) rule. You have to be careful. Especially in a small town.

    You ain't in San Francisco!

  4. Yeah, I just can't see a good result out of this unless he makes the first move. Your embarrassment alone, should you be wrong, would be awful!

    Peace <3

  5. Not to worry guys, I'm far too shy to do anything about it. He's definitely have to make the first move.

  6. I, too, live down South. I also can't tell basic good business demeanor from flirting. I'd play it safe if I were you. Besides, it still leaves you something to dream about.

    Happy birthday tomorrow and thanks for your good blogging.

  7. Well at least you have something nice to look at when you go to the pharmacy. Mine...not so much! LOL. Enjoy your day tomorrow and Happy (early) Birthday!!! :)

  8. Enjoy the eye candy. :-)


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