
Friday, March 20, 2015

Thank You

Thank you for your kind words.  I want all of you to know that I do have a great doctor; in fact, he is probably one of the best in this part of Alabama. My mother, who is a nurse and used to work with him, has always said that he is the best diagnostician she's ever known.  He will not rest until he is sure of what's wrong, and can fix it.  He also has one of the greatest memories I've ever seen.  Though he uses a patient's chart, he can always remember everything there is to know about a patient simply by seeing their face or hearing their name.  He also reads every medical journal he can get his hands on. He stays abreast of the latest studies, and if something that has him perplexed, he's not afraid to admit it and will immediately research the issue.  Needless to say, I feel completely confident in his care.

I want to thank all of you for your love and support.  It is extremely heartwarming to hear and receive such support.  I started the new antidepressant yesterday, and it will take at least a week to get fully in my system.  I begin the new headache treatment today. My doctor has me on a 12 day prednisone treatment and a calcium blocker, which is designed to prevent the cluster headaches.  He also prescribed Imitrex to help when I have one of these headaches.  He'd prescribed the nasal spray, but even as a generic the copay is outrageous and the pharmacy has to special order it.  Therefore, I'm going to give the pills a try even though the relief isn't immediate with the pill.  Currently, it's a matter of giving these treatments a chance to work and having the patience to know this may only be the beginning but it's a start and not a last resort.     


  1. This is great news, Joe. Sounds like you lucked out with your doctor. Having someone who is caring and well-informed is the right combination. Good luck with the new treatment, and let us know how it is working. :)

  2. Things will get better we know!!!

  3. It's wonderful that you have such a good doctor.

  4. I hope you get to feeling better soon, soon, soon!

  5. I hope your doctor manages to find the right balance of Rx to get rid of the headaches. Nobody should have to put up with them.


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