
Saturday, September 19, 2015

Moment of Zen: Beautiful Views

While I only got to see the mountains from a distance as we drove through them this week for my interview, I look forward to exploring the trails and hiking some next summer if I get this job.  The mountains up there remind me a lot of the mountains in North Alabama, except that the people are far nicer and more liberal.


  1. Beautiful views, indeed.
    And not just that, professor! :) Love it.

  2. I'm sure you'll like to go hiking on those mountains.

    My best friend Patrick (he's one of my ex student, gay, 45yo blond blue eyes..) often go hiking in the Adirondak mountains and he just enjoy the nature there...

    I'm assured that you'll never regret moving there. As you said, the people are more open minded in New England. Just seeing that those states are open to gay marriage and gay life just says it...

    Hope, again, that you'll be THE ONE they'll choose...

    A new life is ahead for U...

    (((( HUGS ))))

  3. I bet it was beautiful there. Lovely pics too! Hoping for good news. :)


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