
Thursday, December 3, 2015


Many of you have emailed and left comments.  I have not had the ability to respond. Every time I think of the tragic accident and the loss of my friend, I begin to cry again. However, I wanted everyone to know that, I am coping with the loss.  It will take some time.  My friend was such a major part of my life, I just feel a void right now that can't be filled. I don't think it can ever be filled, but I am trying to focus on the happy memories and what a wonderful and loving person he was. I met with a counselor today and will be having weekly counseling sessions for the foreseeable future.  It's something I've needed to do for a while to deal with some of my own issues but I'd never felt the need because my friend was the best counselor anyone could ever have. There was nothing we couldn't tell each other. Talking about him and getting to know some of his other friends better has also helped. I still burst into tears, but I can at least speak without sobbing and my appetite has finally returned. So, I am coping the best I can. I'm still not up to blogging right now, but I felt I should just give a quick update on how I was doing.


  1. Hang in there, Joe. It sounds as if your acting sensibly in coping with this massive grief. My prayers are with you.

  2. If my thinking about you and your loss could in any way lessen your pain I send you all the loving thoughts I am able....and I do think about you....

  3. You are in my daily prayers, and I am sure that goes for many of us who have not written as well. You know that God is with you, and us, just as your friend is with God.

  4. Thank you for checking in. That hole in your heart, that void in your life may never be filled by another person. But at some point, I have found that such holes fill up with memories, with echoes of shared laughter and visions of a smile. This makes for much aching, but eventually I see that the one I thought was gone is still there, living within me, and that our friendship and love goes on.

    In the Catholic liturgy for the deceased, it is said, "Life is changed, not ended."

    Grace and peace to you today.

  5. You are seriously in our thoughts and prayers!!!
    Chattanooga, TN

  6. Joe... the love you had for your friend will help you to ride out this wave of despair and sadness that now envelopes your life. Thinking of the good times you two shared will in time erase the harshness of his passing.
    Hang in there... you too are loved.

    Lenny from Denver

  7. I'm with you in prayers and thoughts as many of your friends here.

    Take your time and posting here isn't the most important thing for you now.

    Take care of yourself as I'm sure your friend would like you to do.

    Wonderful memories abut him is precious and will always make him alive in your heart and life.

    All my best.

  8. I don't have any words to make it okay. Just take one day at a time. ((Hugs))

  9. The passage of time will ease much of your pain, Joe. In its place will be beautiful memories, always alive in your heart. My prayers and thoughts are with you. <3


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