
Saturday, May 21, 2016

Moment of Zen: Spring

Spring does not come early in Vermont, but it seems to have finally arrived. Trees are finally starting to bud leaves and flowers can be seen growing.


  1. In the Midwest, it always feels like a long time between the end of winter and the beginning of spring. And then it rushes into summer. I hope a Vermont spring is as beautiful as I imagine.

  2. Here in Montreal, we're having a «summer like» big holiday weekend. In fact it's «The Queens Holiday». No one working next Monday.

    Heat up to 27°C (79°F) with a very sunny days to come.

    As I told you, your location in Vermont even if more south then here, is more in altitude which is a cooler place to be.
    But, don't despare, hot summer weather will come soon.

    Every plants and trees are blooming all around the city and country side too.

    Take care and look at the beautiful nature around you.


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