
Sunday, August 14, 2016

For the Love of God

For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:38-39

There are those out there who would say that by being gay, we are separated from God. They say that we cannot be loved by God for what they perceive as sin. Yet, the above verses refute that. Think about this, neither death nor life can separate us from God. The New International Version says neither angels nor demons. Rulers, whoever they may be, cannot separate us from God. Our past nor our future can keep us away from God. As Diana Ross sang, "there ain't no mountain high enough, ain't no valley low enough, ain't no river wide enough." God is there for us. Nothing in all creation can keep us away from God's love.

Even if we dismiss those people who say that we are separated from God's love because of our sexuality, these are two powerful verses. I found this verse as I was looking for some biblical inspiration about depression. With depression, you can feel separated from God. In fact you can feel as if you've been forsaken by God. It's a feeling that He no longer loves you. To me that was the lowest point of my depression. I've come to terms with some of my issues causing my depression, but realizing that God still loved me no matter what was extremely important in getting me through the worst of my depression.

So no matter who low you feel or how hard life gets, remember that nothin in all creation is able to separate us from the love of God.


  1. LOVE is the only BIG LAW everyone MUST obey to.

    Today, Montreal is having our GAY PRIDE PARADE and many public people are in it too like our Prime Minister M. Justin Trudeau.

    There will be over 4 000 participants in the parade and 300 000 people to see it.
    Those people attending the parade are from ALL groups of the society of Montreal and from other where too.

    LOVE is celebrated here no matter your sexual orientation for many years.

    1. Ooh, I'd love to see a Montreal Pride one of these days.

  2. I love this line: "Nothing in all creation can keep us away from God's love." I can relate so much to this post. I've struggled with depression and anxiety since early summer, mostly because I am not happy with work. Sometimes, I feel that there is no way out. And, yes, many times, I feel that there will even be no peace in eternity, as I feel that Christ cannot love and accept me. Your Sunday posts encourage me so much. Thank you for sharing your devotional thoughts, Joe!

    1. Cody, I'm glad you enjoy these posts. As someone who also suffers from depression, I know how you feel. As a teacher I was in a job for five years that kept me depressed and stressed out. I'm finally in a job that I enjoy much more but I still have some issues that continue my depression.

    2. Joe, I'm glad that you are in a job that you enjoy. I know depression is a lifelong battle - mine has come and gone all of my life, beginning young. I am hoping I will receive some relief soon, as it does have a lot to do with work. Tomorrow is my last day at work, after more than four years with the company. I have been accepted into graduate school and, last week, I completed a graduate teaching assistant certification. I will begin classes and working as a class one graduate teaching assistant on Tuesday. I hope that this change will bring me happiness. I also hope you find relief from your depression!

    3. I hope you find joy in grad school. It comes with its own set of stresses, but being a teaching assistant has its rewards especially if you're working with a good professor. Good luck on your new journey.

  3. I find much on your blog that "speaks" to me. The Romans passage is one that I chose to read at my mother's funeral service last Saturday - which would have been her 90th birthday.
    I want it read at my service - which I hope is many years away. But why not plan for that eventuality?


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