
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

A Better Life

A Better Life


Randall Mann

after Julio Cortázar


It’s silly to think

fourteen years ago

I turned thirty.


How I made it that far

I’ll never know.

In this city of hills,


if there was a hill

I was over it. Then.

(In queer years,



are more than.)

Soon it will be fifteen


since the day I turned thirty.

It’s so remote.

I didn’t think I’d make it


to fourteen years ago.

Fear lives in the chest

like results.


You say my gray, it makes

me look extinguished;

you make me cringe.


I haven’t cracked

the spines of certain paperbacks,

or learned a sense of direction,


even with a slick device.

But the spleen doesn’t ask twice,

and soon it will be fifteen years


since I turned thirty.

Which may not sound like a lot.

Which sounds like the hinge


of a better life:

It is, and it is not.

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