
Friday, July 14, 2017

Research, Day 2

I read so many old letters yesterday that by the end of the day, my eyes were crossed. People had such bad handwriting. Some had beautiful handwriting but most did not. Today, is going to be no different. I will still be reading letters, hopefully though the later they are in time, the more often they are typed. Hopefully more will be typed than not. We also haven't found what we are looking for, but maybe something will turn up.


  1. So......THIS is how you work at your laptop!!!! Have a great time reading....make sure to rest your eyes on occasion.

  2. I have some relatives that are living in Providence since around the mid 20th century. I visited them in 1969: these are relatives on my grand mother's side.
    As many French Canadians, Québécois, they immigrated in Rhode Island and Boston too to get jobs in the factories.

    Later, while I was married (1994-98) we loved to go camping in Narragansett on the «Fisherman National Park» camping ground on summer vacation. Loved those nice beaches and visit the Newport mansions too...,+RI,+USA/@41.457095,-71.5475491,11z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x89e5bc1427e2dc9f:0xb84e3b0b8d578f85!8m2!3d41.4500844!4d-71.449503

    You must know that our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, is there to meet Eastern States governors so they can prepare the NAFTA négociations. More than 37 states of USA aren't happy of Trumpty Dumpty wanting to repeal that international agreement.

    Our countries have decades and even centuries of trade history which are beneficial to both of our countries. Now your new «president» want to end some of those accords and it'll be catastrophic for both sides of the border.

    Hope you have time to visit the nice mansions in Newport: it's worthed to see.
    We visited the Vanderbilt mansion, the Marble House, that is so beautiful and to hear the story of how it was built too.,-71.3116388,16z/data=!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x89e5bc1427e2dc9f:0xb84e3b0b8d578f85!2sNarragansett,+RI,+USA!3b1!8m2!3d41.4500844!4d-71.449503!3m4!1s0x0:0xb2bc2d2bd8f1e409!8m2!3d41.4620577!4d-71.3056898


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