
Sunday, March 25, 2018

Dolly on God

I love Dolly Parton. She’s so talented, funny, and sweet. She’s all around a good person, never wanting to offend anyone. recently interviewed Dolly and asked her about her faith. She summed up my beliefs about Christianity in one brief paragraph. Here is what she said:

I just believe that there's a God. I believe that God helps me, leads me. I talk to Him everyday. I'd prefer to believe in God if there wasn't one, I'd still believe in God, because I believe we need to believe in something bigger and better than ourselves. It gives us hope. It gives us strength. I know it does me. My faith is very important. I do believe that through God all things are possible. I do believe that Jesus loves me. And I just use that. I'm never ashamed of my family. I'm never ashamed of my religion. I'm not trying to cram it down anyone else's throat. I just think that everybody's got to have something to believe in.

Speaking of country music, my all time favorite will always be Holly Dunn. Holly was born into a Church of Christ family and remained in the church her whole life. A few years ago, she was diagnosed with an aggressive form of ovarian cancer. During her fight with cancer, she said:

My faith is my rock. But I also draw tremendous strength from my family and my family of friends who have gathered around me in total support. Being a Christian, I know that no matter how this chapter ends, I will be OK. Either upright walking on this earth or safe in my Savior's arms.

Sadly, she lost her battle with cancer and is in the arms of her Savior.

Both women dealt with LGBT issues very differently. Holly quietly kept her sexuality to herself. It was only confirmed after her death that she was survived by her wife. Holly could have done great things in country music if she’d come out, but country music wasn’t ready for t at the time, so she left country music and instead devoted herself to a different art form, painting. Dolly, on the other hand, has always been outspoken about the love she has for her gay fans. Dolly is nothing if not outspoken about all things. I don’t think it matters whether you are out and proud, if you proudly love the out and proud, or if you prefer your privacy, both women kept their faith, and that is a beautiful thing.

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