
Monday, November 26, 2018

O, Christmas Tree

For the three years I have been in Vermont, I have not put up a Christmas tree. The first year was because one of my dearest and closest friends had just died, and I didn’t feel like celebrating Christmas. In fact, Thursday will be the three year anniversary of his death, and I am still heartbroken. I doubt I will ever fully stop grieving. The second and third year here in Vermont, I didn’t put up a tree because I told myself, why should I? I wouldn’t actually be here at Christmas. This year was something different though. Even though I will not be here at Christmas, there is no reason why I can’t enjoy a Christmas tree while I am home. Isabella seems fascinated by it. She’s played with the balls, sat under the tree, and pondered what the hell this thing is. She’s only ever seen a Christmas tree once before when she stayed at a coworker’s house over that first Christmas. She was a holy terror there, so she’s not welcomed back. It appears that my calm sweet cat just doesn’t like other people’s cats, so she went nuts. But she had some times of peace and wonder that Christmas like in the pictures below.

P.S. I still have a little more decorating to do. I need to get a skirt or blanket for the bottom, and I need an extension cord to light up the tree topper.


  1. Nice pics of the Christmas tree and Isabella too.

    Putting her last years at your neighbor's place with other cats wasn't the best for her. Cats aren't like dogs and are very used to their territory. Mostly for female ones as they're more used to their normal environnement.
    When I go out on a trip, I have one of the ladies downstairs coming home to see my two cats, take care of the litter box, water and food. She remains in my place long enough also to pet them too. Must tell you that I have two «DrinkWell» fountain with filtered water that can provide fresh water for more than one week and also a feeder with a large tank filled with lot of dry food.

    I did some Christmas decorations all around my appartement last year.
    Unfortunately, my cat, Picolo, just past out few days before Christmas.
    This year with my 7 months old Adam, not sure the Christmas tree and Christ child's crib would survive his playful attitude. Adam is very active to play with everything that is new and around the house.

    Also, I'll be leaving to visit my relatives in Québec city for all the holydays so decorating would be not a big deal.

  2. Nice tree. I can't really do trees. Big dogs see trees as pee targets.

  3. She is a beautiful cat. My cats don't like Christmas trees, they like to climb up them and push them over!

  4. Isabella looks so nice.
    Every Christmas tree needs a cat or better: a cat and a dog.
    I usually put up the tree just before Christmas... will have a grey cat, but will still sorely miss not having a rough collie along.


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