
Monday, December 31, 2018

Out with the Old

Tomorrow starts a new year filled with hope and great expectations. The past year has been one of ups and downs. Throughout most of the year, I was searching for a job. Every time one looked promising, it didn’t work out. There was a great deal of hope and disappointment. Finally, as the tenure of my old job was coming to an end, my new boss created a new job for me. It came with a significant raise in pay and benefits. It also means that I will travel the country next year with our museum’s traveling exhibition: Naples, Florida, Boston, New York City, Washington, DC, and San Francisco. I hope in all of this travel, I will also get to fit in some more time in Montreal. I do love visiting Montreal. Also, with the help of a lesbian friend of mine, I am getting more involved with the gay community, such as it is, in Vermont. I’m hoping things there will progress. Maybe I will even meet a nice man. So as I look ahead I see great things. I know there will be ups and downs. There always are, but my hope for the coming year is that there are more ups than down. I hope the same thing for each of you.

My New Year’s Eve will probably be a quiet one. My preacher yesterday talked about taking inventory of our lives and getting our priorities in the correct order in the new year. Maybe I will reflect on the inventory of my life. 

What are you doing New Year’s Eve? 

What are your hopes for the coming year?


  1. Have a happy, peaceful and prosperous 2019, Joe. I enjoy your daily posts.

    New Year's eve will be a quiet one at home with those I love. For the coming year, I'm looking forward to more stability in my life and the country in general. Life gets harder than it needs to be, it seems. But with the support of loved ones, I know I can conquer anything.

  2. Joe,

    Good to hear that your health seems to have improved so that you can enjoy the New Year!

    I know that you have had a lot of uncertainty in your life in 2018, but it truly sounds as though 2019 will be both a happier and more prosperous year for you. The opportunity to do some traveling to a number of cities with large gay populations in and of itself should prove to be a nice perq. Enjoy.

    I'll probably be asleep before midnight this evening, since I have never been one who really enjoyed New Years. The coming year, however, will have a nice addition for me: a 28-day from Amsterdam down the Danube and other rivers to the Black Sea. Really looking forward to that this coming summer.

    Best to you in all that you endeavor.


  3. Actually, taking inventory and reflecting impress me as a mature, spiritual way to begin the new year.
    You never know how you might help someone.
    Your post has motivated me to do the same.
    I thank you for that.

    Another helpful (to me) suggestion that I encountered was to refrain from using the term resolution.
    Rather than make a New Year's "resolution" I will be setting an "intention."

    All the best to you for 2019.

  4. Going to be around 9:30 - as usual. The new year will be enjoyable for some, disappointing for others. Nothing's going to change that. I just hope I'm on the enjoyable side. We'll find out on January 3, won't we?

    Have a good 2019, sir.

  5. Nothing too special for the evening. For one thing, it's all part of Christmastide. For another, staying up until midnight and beyond is standard operating procedure for me. And to me these markers such as New year and birthdays divisible by ten are objectively pretty meaningless.

    My brother is here — has been since Dec. 22 — and dinner will be leftover lamb from Saturday. I'll probably spend the evening at the computer and tweet HNY! when midnight hits. But, since tomorrow is a Holy Day in the Catholic Church, as well as a civil holiday, I'll roast a duck for dinner, which I never do any other day (and I can't always find one for Jan. 1).


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