
Thursday, August 15, 2019


Yesterday was pure aggravation. I gave a tour yesterday of our basement, where we keep a bulk of our collection. When most people had to leave after an hour of the tour, one woman insisted on her full hour and a half tour as advertised. I went rounds with our secretary over changing some promotional material and some of the problems I’ve had with previous promotional materials. Everything I’d gotten her to change, she went behind my back and got our Director to change back so that it connected back to the continuity of the old promotional material. His continuity is just boring and continues some of the same mistakes that we’ve been making,


  1. Joe, you have now built up a cv which shows both experience and capacity. On the basis of that, you could look around for another job opening. At the very least doing so would indicate to the director that you can't be taken for granted. Roderick

  2. Before we go Roderick's route let's try a little CRUCIAL CONVERSATION-there is a book on this and there are such thing-Crucial Conversations-fire up the Googler. In the workplace, we have to learn to have those difficult conversations for the sake of our sanity and or the cohesion of the department. I would suggest outlining your grievances. Hard facts. Call for a meeting with your director and this person and state your case. Have that crucial conversation.


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