
Friday, December 6, 2019

Lower Back Pain

On Wednesday, I went back to work. Shortly after I got to work, I bent over to fix something and before I knew it my lower back muscles began to spasm. I could feel the muscles twitching as the pain worsened. It got increasingly difficult to sit or stand. After lunch, my boss sent me home. I had a terrible time getting in my vehicle. I took some muscle relaxers and laid on a heating pad, but it didn’t seem to help a lot. I was in agony each time I tried to move. I finally fell asleep. When I woke yesterday morning, I couldn’t get out of bed without a lot of pain, so I had to call in sick. I’d planned to see my doctor but when I woke up again the pain had lessened so I didn’t call. I did pretty good most of the day. I tried mainly just to rest. Last night, the pain seemed to get worse again, so I just went to bed early. I’m hoping it will be better this morning.


  1. Poor Joe, that type of back pain is agonizing as I know from experience. You need to do back exercises. Look on the web. Roderick

  2. Take care of yourself Joe

  3. I love your blog. I’ve had six surgeries on my low back. Calcium & magnesium supplements give me so much relief. You might consider trying some.


  4. If it's still there on Monday, see your doctor (say a guy who "never" sees his doctor). Do as I say, not as I do.


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