
Friday, March 27, 2020

Isabella’s Happy

Isabella seems very happy that I am home all day. She gets up with me each morning, and we have breakfast. Then she follows me into my home office. She’s enjoying her new supervisory role. She likes to be somewhere she can watch me. Sometimes, she’s sitting on the desk micromanaging. Other times, she watches from afar. The problem comes when she tries to do my work for me. Let’s put it this way, she’s not a good typist. She just randomly hits various keys. So for the first hour or so of work, I have to constantly move her from my laptop. Around 10 am, her workday is over. She either sleeps on the futon in my office, or she curls up in the midst of my bed. The rest of her day consists of sleeping. When it’s time for me to stop at the end of the day, she wakes up and let’s me know I am through working and that all my attention should be on her.


  1. Always loved black cats, never had one... Isabella is very pretty! And I just yesterday heard Miley Cyrus say the same, how her pets are happy she's spending more time with them. One positive thing about this crazy situation, that's for sure.

  2. What a slave driver! “Get to work! Now that I know you’re doing your job, I’m going to have some ‘executive’ time. I’ll be back at quitting time.” Typical boss.

  3. Isabella is very nice and also a adorable cat.

    I have 4 cats and each of them have their own ways to be with me.

    Lee Lou my 6 yo black female who is my «princess» and is snobbing the other cats but will come to be pet at her times. Funny, in the second I'm sitting on my toilet bowl, she instantly comes in, and purs and role on the floor to be pet.

    Adam, 2 yo tabby white paws and chest male cat who is «my lover». Since I saw him at the cat shelter at 4 months old, he chose me. He is the first to come in bed every morning to lick me and give me big purs too. He is in love with ne and follows me everywhere in my appartement.

    Gaël and Sancho, my two 1 yo twins siameses are not really the same.
    Gaël is a bit bigger and is very shy and is scared easily. But in love with Adam and often follows him all over the place. For sure if I take the «Temptation» bag, he'll suddenly be less shy. LOL!
    Sancho is my dear little one. He has his left eye hurt since birth but I can tell he sees very well. He likes me specially in the morning in bed with Adam. Sancho is very talkative too. But in very cute small meows…

    All my 4 legs are happy and make my place filled with love and joy.

  4. "Around 10 am her work day is over..." Same, Isabella, same...

    I'm told (it was PBS, so therefore True!) the ancient Egyptians decided Orange Cats were the lucky ones and started breeding them. Not so lucky for the cats who were then used as sacrifices to Bastet thier Cat Goddess who is typically portrayed as a Black Cat.
    Seems Black is the luckier color after all. I love them all tho'.

    I'd have been useless working from home, esp. back when I had Cats... But I'm really good at self-isolating and Social Distancing, been practicing since abt. 1974 :)

  5. Isabella makes sure that you don't overwork.


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