
Thursday, April 16, 2020


Somedays you just have nothing to contribute. This is one of those days for me. I just couldn’t think of anything I wanted to say. I’ve felt all week like I’ve just been worthless. I’ve tried to keep busy with work, but I’m not being terribly productive. Maybe today will be different.


  1. You are worth it, though! Do something for yourself and get to the positive side again. Btw, that photo is EVERYTHING, baby! ^.^

  2. Joe, if it is any consolation, I feel exactly the same as you do - I'm trapped inside the house, my work is repetitive and boring, and the days contain nothing interesting. But all this will pass. Roderick

  3. Don't leave us hanging about the virtual staff meeting. Dish. Don't like those judgy people. They don't say anything but the eyes and actions say it. Watch out bitch I will cut you. I love it when you confront them and they stumble, stutter like a kid who just got caught raiding the candy drawer red-handed.

  4. The staff meeting was fine. Boring as hell, but nothing unusual. I could tell the one was being a bit judgmental as she was listening to what we were reporting that we were doing. Everything the other three of us do is always judged by her. Occasionally, she makes a subtle catty remark, but those are rare. She's a Baptist. No offense to anyone out there who is also Baptist, but I have always found the vast majority of Baptists are judgmental. The vast number of Baptists in the South is probably the reason that southerners are often subtly judgmental. The rest went fine. Yes, the judgmental one was dressed in one of her "cute" little outfits, and my other two coworkers were dressed down. I had on a dress shirt and pants. We have these staff meetings every Wednesday, and they never fail to be too long and very boring. Usually, when we are meeting in person, they go on much longer than an hour, but since we've been doing these through web-conferences, our boss has been fairly strict at keeping them to an hour only.

  5. Jesus said: be of good cheer. I have overcome the world! Too many so-called christians do not believe this. They have no divine authority to judge--they do so at their own peril. Wrap yourself in your faith, in your divine sonship. You are in the world, but me t of it, not subject to your supervisor's unholy judgment.

  6. Thanks for the feedback on the Baptist-no offense. I realize that office dynamics/politics is a fine balance with a small team. One can't just hide. I am a health care manager. In my last position, I had regular staff meetings via phone conference. There were about 5-6 managers, sprinkle in a few directors and the vice president. I learned very quickly if you said anything that went against the grain-even slightly-the VP would jump in a slap your hand. She was a bitch. She didn't like talking to people, people touching her, and if she saw you in the hallway she would act like you were not there. It came to a point where folks in the conferences just wouldn't speak up unless it was a topic they were presenting. The VP started to take names of folks who didn't speak and you were called on the red carpet. Folks were speaking up and saying all kinds of crazy shit. The monthly-in-person meetings were a production.

    For the Baptist, I am not there, if she is being passive-aggressive, a tattle tail, overtly judgemental in that it is affecting the team dynamics then something should be said. Once again with a small team that can be delicate. I just believe that we spend 40 plus hours at work a week and it should be a pleasing environment. Yes, hard work with a little bit of levity thrown in. But having someone like that in the office I would have to speak up. Folks like that may want us to be afraid of them. Hold something over us so they can tell the boss. The teacher's pet.

    As a manager, I keep staff meetings to no more than an hour-PERIOD. After 1/2 hour, folks are starting to zone out and want to get back to their work. What I do, is have a few items that I want to cover, then I solicit them to what they want to discuss. I form an agenda with a breakdown of times for each item. I e-mail it to them and have copies to hand out. We stick to that and get them back to work. I don't like having meetings just to be having a meeting. To me, it has to be important and a takeaway for them. Checking off boxes is not what I do. I also have standing meetings. I go to a group of folks, we stand, and I met with them on a single quick topic or two. Quick and to the point. My goal is always to keep my staff informed. I am not one of those managers that believe information is power and I hold it over them.

    Viedo meetings or not keep it to an hour or less. Tight and to the point.

    Stay safe!! Get out and walk around for a change of scenery. And shut that damn refrigerator door.


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