
Monday, June 1, 2020

A Little Mad Sometimes

There is so much happening right now. Very little of it is good. Cities are burning as people protest the senseless death of another black man killed by the police. A pandemic is still raging, though in some places it’s getting better while in other places it’s getting worse. And our president, instead of doing anything productive, is feuding with Twitter. Good for Twitter for doing something about his insane and damaging tweets, but they need to do more. It’s been a longtime coming. 

The only bright spot seems to be that NASA was able to send American astronauts into space in an American made rocket. That’s been a longtime coming too. NASA hasn’t sent astronauts into space on an American spacecraft since 2011 when they retired the space shuttle program.

That being said, with all the terrible things going on in America, a quote, which is probably not that appropriate to the situation, popped into my head. It’s from the 1960 movie Psycho in which Norman Bates says, “ She just goes a little mad sometimes. We all go a little mad sometimes. Haven't you?”


  1. Thanks for your thoughts, Joe. Hopefully, a huge part of this nightmare will come to an end in early November. Take care. <3

  2. ALL what is going on in USA is just showing, to the whole world, how USA can achieve the BEST and also the WORST.

    A duality put up front by a coward in the White House and his disgraceful tweets and fake messages.

    There is a urgent need of a REVOLUTION in USA, a peaceful one as we had here in the 60's in Province of Québec, to get rid of all those old ways of thinking and behaviours of another era.

    The actual Constitution of USA begins by: "We the People"..
    More than time that the word PEOPLE is really means ALL USA's citizens no matter race, religion or sex orientation.

    Friendly yours from Canada

  3. While he used the NASA space center, I do think it was Space X that sent Americans back into space.

    And the Idiot Jerk in the White House is growing more and more unhinged every day.

  4. Stupid Lite is saying cops should shoot in the legs (which is still more often than not lethal, just harder and leaving more possibility to shoot bystanders). Stupid Classic still has never heard of Posse Comitatus.

  5. Anonymous, as much as I despise Trump, the Posse Comitatus Act does not apply to suppressing civil disorder, insurrection or rebellion because of the provisions of the Insurrection Act of 1807. The Insurrection Act has been used at least seven times to make exceptions to the Posse Comitatus Act. However, with that being said, no president is allowed to do this without taking a number of legal steps first. Trump, however, still cannot call up the Army to suppress disorder but must nationalize the National Guard for that purpose. The Army and Air Force still fall under the Posse Comitatus Act.

    However, Herbert Hoover and his military commanders, in my belief, did violate the Posse Comitatus Act when he used the US Army to disperse the Bonus Army which was composed of veterans, and it led ultimately to his loss of the 1932 presidential election. While that was just a part of the reason Hoover lost (the Great Depression being the number one cause), it was in the forefront of American minds as they went to the polls in November just three months after the Bonus Army debacle. The Bonus Army would have never been formed if it had not been for the Great Depression. With the pandemic and racial tensions, I think these incidents will be at the forefront of American minds as they go to vote in November.

  6. You despise Trump? Could've fooled me. That's why you and other Southern Dems keep sabotaging the party. How's it go? Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action?

    But it's not an insurrection per se. Despite the right's fantasies about a civil war.

  7. Anonymous, what are you talking about? First, how are Southern Democrats sabotaging the Democratic Party? There are too few left do do anything. In some southern states like Alabama, the Democratic Party is basically non-existent, even if they did elect Doug Jones, a Democrat, to the Senate. That was more about the state's distaste over Roy Moore's sexual assaults of young girls. The DNC has given up on the South and does very little to support Southern Democratic candidates.

    Second, when have I EVER said anything remotely in support of Trump. In my comment above, I was just pointing out a historic fact, nothing more. We cannot ignore facts just because we don't agree with them. If we did that, we'd be no better than Republicans who hide their heads in the sand every time they hear something they don't agree with.

    Finally, I never said what was going on with the protest was an "insurrection." Read what I wrote again. I said that the exemption that is contained within the Insurrection Act of 1807 was for "suppressing civil disorder, insurrection or rebellion." I never said I think that what was going on today was an insurrection or a rebellion, but looting is civil disorder. I also realize that the protesters are mostly peaceful demonstrators, and the looting has nothing to do with the protest, but the laws could be still used regardless. So don't put words I my mouth, when you don't know what you are talking about.

    Hiding behind anonymity is cowardly. I wish I could understand why anonymous commenters (I suspect all of these comments come from one person, as they are all equally ludicrous) continually twist my words and fabricate lies and accusations that have no merit in them.

  8. Every election, same thing, though. The South always picks a candidate chummy with the usual populist villains: Bankers, landlords, China, insurance companies, proud of it, in fact. Offer a defense to a candidate's misbehavior that is basically your standard gaslighting by a fairly standard rapist. But muh Supreme Court! Then you nominate the guy who gave us fellow rapist Clarence Thomas. Then the Democrats lose and wonder why.

    And maybe if Hill people hadn't sent me unsolicited child porn in 2016, I'd share my name and even my address.


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