
Saturday, June 20, 2020

Moment of Zen: Watermelon Sugar

Being from the South, I love a good watermelon, and this song has been stuck in my head since I first heard it. I find it quite catchy. I decided to show the video of the song with just the lyrics instead of the official music video. Quite honestly, I am not a fan of Harry Styles' looks, especially him in this video, and considering that this song is rumored to be about performing oral sex on a woman (Ew!), the video just really turned me off. I couldn't even watch the whole thing. Styles tries to eat a slice of watermelon seductively, and it just comes off as gross, and the video consists of him eating watermelon and singing the song while being surrounded by big breasted women. While I don't like him, I do like the song, and men can be attractive while eating watermelon. Styles just isn't.


  1. Nothing to do with watermelon, Joe. I want to know how you are doing with the migraine problem. Have things improved. I am concerned. Roderick. PS I never took to watermelon, not being from the Deep South.

  2. Roderick, I'm not doing very well with the migraines. For the past week, I have had an excruciating one each night. I am probably going to have to call my neurologist next week, if this continues. Thanks for being concerned.

    As fo watermelon, I can still remember the skill my grandmama took in cutting one up and the thrill of having a piece and putting a little salt on it. Yummy! But, I understand not everyone likes watermelons. Most Southerners love tomatoes, but I can't stand them. We all have our own tastes.

  3. Harry Styles is fine as hell. What’s wrong with you, boy? I say the song is about eating ass. Ok, I’m logging off the internet now. :-P


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