
Thursday, July 30, 2020

A Big Thank You

I just wanted to start by saying how much I appreciate your kind comments yesterday. For those of you who don’t comment often or have never commented before, I want to let you know how much it means to me when you do comment. And for those who read, but don’t comment, I appreciate you taking time out of your day to read what I have to say. For those who comment on a regular basis, I always love hearing from you. I appreciate all of you from the bottom of my heart.


I have not always had the easiest life. It has been quite a struggle at times. I always wished that I was more outgoing, but it’s just not in my nature. However, this blog allows me to express myself when I am rarely able to do so in person. I can write about my past and my feelings, but it is harder for me to verbalize them. So, writing my blog is therapeutic for me. I occasionally have people who comment on my blog that I complain too much or that I am just a sad and pathetic human being. It always hurts to read that, but truthfully and deep down, I don’t care what they think of me. If they don’t like what they read, there is a simple solution: don’t read my blog. But knowing there are readers out there who generally care about me and read my blog because they care and hopefully find entertainment occasionally means the world to me.


When I started this blog ten years ago, it was originally a way for me to spread knowledge about gay people in history. Since then it has evolved into much more than that. It has become a way for me to write about what I am thinking and feeling, whether the topic is politics, health, relationships, religion, etc. I talk about my health issues, which I know could be worse, and while I write to work through my own issues, I also write so that if there are people going through the same issues, they have a place where they know they are not alone. Maybe reading what I go through can help someone else go through the same thing. Furthermore, I am always here for anyone who wants to reach out to me and needs an understanding ear. I haven’t always had the luxury of an understanding ear, and I used to go through the difficulties of life alone. Now, I have my blog and my readers who help me through difficult situations.


I guess even in the beginning when I was writing historical posts, I was writing to show other gay people that we have always existed in history and some of those people did truly great things. In fact, some of the greatest geniuses in history were gay. Many historians believe that Alexander the Great was one of history’s greatest military tacticians, and he was gay or, at the very least, bisexual. Leonardo da Vinci was a polymath with such a great breadth of knowledge, and he too was gay as were many of the great artists of the Renaissance. I could talk about great men and women who were gay at great length, but my point is that we are all truly exceptional human beings.


So, thank you for continuing to read this blog and for offering comfort and encouragement. Life is not always easy. Sometimes, it’s really fucking difficult, but together we can get through it. Thank you, my friends and virtual hugs to all of you.


  1. Joe, you don't need to explain, apologize, or thank, much as we all appreciate your doing so. Roderick

  2. You know me and I always come every day to read and see your blog.
    I'm not always in pace with what you say but I apprciate you being such a truthful man.

    I also have a cultural gap being myself more a French speaking man from Montreal and a Canadian.

    Just continue to do what you feel to be posting and we are always here to read and comment.

    Friendly yours Jean Luc.

  3. Thanks for sharing your life story. I think moving away from your family was a good thing. You can live your life as you want. Given what you have recently written, your mother sounds self-centered and not very nice. That may be an unjust assessment given I have not read a lot of your past posts.

  4. We THANK YOU for being you and giving us something to look forward to each day, to learn, to weep, and to laugh...Thanks for being you...

  5. Glad that our paths have crossed. Thanks for being you!

  6. Thanks for sharing your life with US - Your Loyal Readers. Your posts are a great read whether I agree with everything you say or not. This blog is a nice read daily and I enjoy the pictures you post.
    Keep up the good work and Thanks Again for this Blog


  7. Virtual hugs back to you, dear Joe! Maybe when the border is open, you can come and visit Ottawa? Welcome!
    A faithful reader

  8. Thank you for sharing your life with us. I am one of the 2% of your readers from Australia (regional Queensland, to be exact). Being an older gay man, I enjoy reading your insights into all aspects of gay life. You sure help me to be a better person!

  9. Hi again Joe. Lenny here. Thanks for keeping me entertained by your life all these years. I don't comment much unless I feel compelled to do so. Your stories of your pain, headaches etc all these years of trying to cope keep me coming back for more ... updates that is. I am hoping that your doctors will finally find out how to fix you and ease your pain. In the meantime, please don't let the haters discourage you from writing your blog. I and so many others look forward to "keeping a little of you in our lives" every now and then. Caio.


Thank you for commenting. I always want to know what you have to say. However, I have a few rules:
1. Always be kind and considerate to others.
2. Do not degrade other people's way of thinking.
3. I have the right to refuse or remove any comment I deem inappropriate.
4. If you comment on a post that was published over 14 days ago, it will not post immediately. Those comments are set for moderation. If it doesn't break the above rules, it will post.