
Wednesday, December 2, 2020

O Christmas Tree 🎄

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree 

How lovely are thy branches…


…or so the song goes. I decided to take the advice of Patrick, VRC-Do You!, and Chris and put up some small Christmas decorations. I got a small artificial tree. I tried a real tree a few years ago. A real tree is just too messy, and Isabella kept trying to eat it. If I could get a tree made out of catnip, she’d leave it alone. She seems to hate catnip. Anyway, I got a three-foot tree that I put on a little table near my dining room window, well it would be the dining room if I ever actually bought a dining room table. By the time I got ready to buy a table and chairs, the pandemic began, and all the secondhand stores were closed. In essence, I decorated my living room and dining room with a few decorations. It’s not much, but I am not going to put too much effort into decorating just for me and Isabella. I did not get a poinsettia; they are poisonous to cats. I could have gotten a fake one, but I’ve never liked them. Back when I taught, one of the parents used to give me a huge poinsettia every Christmas. All they ever did was die and get ugly. So, a few artificial decorations will suffice. I did put a wreath on the door.


By the way, there are four Star Trek elements on and around the tree. Can you spot them in the picture below? I couldn’t resist hanging a few of my Hallmark Star Trek ornaments on the tree. I’ve been collecting them for years, but at the moment, I can’t remember where the others are, or you’d see more on the tree. I think my other ornaments are in Alabama.

While this Christmas will be a bit different, I hope we all have a wonderful holiday season.



Click "Read More" for the answers to the above question.


  1. Glad that you decided to put one up it cheers the place up and after this year we could do with some of that, my cat is now to old to attack the tree but he was terrible when he was younger.


  2. Love the tree!
    Could not find the Star Trek ornaments, though.
    I'm not too much into xmas but I like it when people brings it during this month.


  3. That looks festive, and I agree that you don't need to do more when it's just you and Isabella.

    I haven't had a "regulation" Christmas tree since my mother died. The effort of buying the tree, setting it up, and decorating it just for myself, ad for my brother for the week he'd be here didn't seem worthwhile. I still put electric candles in the windows for the passersby, and I have a couple of little manger scenes and minor stuff. There's a small quilt with a stylized Christmas tree that goes on one street-facing door, and I may get a wreath for the other one.

  4. Joe, I agree about the poinsettia. When our two offspring were in high school, they had to sell poinsettias to raise funds for extra school activities. Of course, they did not do so, so my wife and I had to find homes for the dozen poinsettias - sufficient to turn me against the plant! Roderick

  5. Roderick, that same family, who were sadly cousins of mine and extremely racist, one year got all the teachers chocolate pecan pies from Priester's Pecans, the best candy kitchen in the South. No one, not even my mother, can make a pecan pie like Priester's can. I usually get one when I am home.

    The best Christmas gift I ever received from a student was a large bottle of Grey Goose vodka. I love Grey Goose, but I can barely afford it. This kid was one of my favorite students, and one of the few I still keep in touch with. I have always suspected he was gay, but he swears he's not. He was the only student that I ever came out to. I did so in hopes that he would feel comfortable coming out to me. His family was a bit of an anomaly at that school because they were very liberal and his parents had actually told him once that it was perfectly fine if he was gay. This kid could be a little rebellious, even though he was a good kid at heart, so I suspect them saying that to him keeps him from coming out. He wouldn't want to give them the satisfaction of being right. Then again, maybe he is straight, but I think he's at least bisexual, because he's told me that he fooled around with guys, even though he proclaimed in the same breath he was straight. Sorry, I totally got off on a tangent there.

  6. Merry Christmas to you and Isabella!! Dear sometimes simple is best!!

    I wonder if all cats love Christmas trees.

    When I lived in Dallas in the '90s the thing was to put your tree on the ceiling-upside down. Of course, some queens embellished theirs and made the damn thing spin ever so slowly.

  7. I've spoted all of the Star Trek's ornaments as I'm a all time trekkie but didn't see that it was a question from you to spot them.

    I maybe will put a Christmas tree this year even if my 4 cats could have fun playing with the orneaments. I'll have to take the risk.
    My motivation this year is that I met a nice man on November 10th and we are seeing ourselves and emailing alot of nice love messages.

    He's a 38yo black man from Cameroun living in Montreal for 3 years now.
    His name is Patrick and is studying to become a nurse.
    Physicaly he is 6f1 tall, muscular type that could be like a football player but as a pass reciever.
    We are planning to be together for Christmas as I'll not be going to Québec city for the Hollydays.

    Love is in the air..


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