
Thursday, November 25, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving 🦃

There is a lot to be thankful for. I have a much more open and honest life in Vermont as an out and proud gay man. I don’t have to constantly hide in the closet like I was forced to do in Alabama. I have some wonderful friends. One such friend is Susan. I don’t know what I’d do without her love and support. She’s been there for me when I need someone the most. I’m also thankful for all my blog friends out there. As long as you keep reading, I plan to keep writing. I’ve made some really wonderful friends through this blog. While I may complain about my job sometimes, I love what I do. I am very thankful for leaving full-time teaching to be a museum professional. I love working in the museum world, and I wish I could have discovered that earlier in my life, but I am thankful I have found it now. I am also thankful for my faithful companion, my beautiful Isabella. She brings me so much joy.

I’m also thankful for the beautiful meal I am preparing today: roast chicken (I prefer chicken to turkey), cornbread dressing, potatoes au gratin, collard greens, and/or butter beans. I know I’ll roast the chicken, make the dressing,  and at least one of the vegetables. I haven’t fully decided. I also made a cranberry, apple, and pineapple dessert with a hint of vodka. Yum! I hope it all turns out like I want it to.

What are you thankful for on this Thanksgiving holiday? And what are you planning to eat today?


  1. Happy Thanksgiving!
    I'm glad that you've been able to make a home in VT and that your blog continues to thrive.

    I'm thankful for many things and appreciate that we have a holiday that asks all of us to pause, contemplate and give thanks. In the day-to-day chaos, that is our normal routine, those people and things in our life that matter most to us can sometimes get lost or set aside. I like that this holiday asks us to think of those people and things and give thanks for them. It's good mental hygiene and can make those around us feel appreciated and loved.

  2. Hope you have a lovely day and Isabella enjoys herself.

  3. I give thanks to God to my parents for the love they gave me, to all the "mothers" who gave birth to me, to my friends, for my health, my retirement, for the beautiful nature: the sky, the sun, the cats ... and the food it gives us , for all the wonderful things that man has created: music, painting ... that we collect and put in museums thanks to the curators , and the cooking recipes that allow us to eat such good things, also for the nap after the meal ...

  4. I am thankful that I have a good paying job in this economy. I will be even More Thankful if Auburn Beats ALABAMA this weekend in the Iron Bowl even though I am a UGA GRAD.

    Enjoy your Day Joel and keep up the good work on your Blog

    Jon in UGA Town

  5. I'm thankful for salvation, for a good church community, for health, for the friends who will host Thanksgiving dinner for me and several others, for all the people who have been a blessing to me, for a good home and adequate means of support, and for a largely comfortable life.

    My hosts will provide turkey, meat stuffing, potatoes, green beans (probably), dranberry sauce, bread & butter, pecan pie, ice cream, beverages, maybe more. I'll bring my signature "home baked"* pumplin pie and a couple of bottles of wine.
    *"Home baked" is a phrase I learned from my mother. It means bought from the freezer case at the supermarket and cooked at home following the package directions.

    This evening I'll probably have a supper of mushroom soup from a meal service for old people and some leftover pie that my hosts will have given me. I may cook some cranberry sauce — cranberries, water, sugar (cardamom if I feel adventurous). Some years I've had scallopped oysters, but I didn't get any oysters this year. Besides, oysters tast better raw; they get bitter when cooked.

  6. Dear Joe, Happy Thanksgiving! I am so glad that life is going so well for you and I send you every wish that it continues to do so. As to me, it is late November and raining heavily, and we can't get away as in pre-Covid days to sun and warmth in Hawaii! Roderick

  7. Happy Thanksgiving Dear!!

    I am thankful for YOU!

    I am happy that you are happy. Yes, you don't know me but I am a simple man. I want others to be happy and live their best life. That is a process. We have never arrived. We just put our best slipper forward each day and do our best.

    Don't forget Christmas has officially begun.

    Best to you and yours!


  8. Happy Thanksgiving! I'm thankful for the effort you put out everyday to
    post this blog. I find it very interesting. Have a nice holiday.


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