
Monday, February 28, 2022

A Sigh of Relief

Yesterday, I went to view the apartment I mentioned in my Friday afternoon post. I had tried to view an available apartment at this complex twice before, but never got a reply. I found out they do things on a first-come, first-served basis which in a way is good. I had gone to view another apartment recently only to find it had been rented minutes before to the person who had the appointment before me. This time it was different. I had seen the “for rent” notice less than an hour after it was posted.


I arrived at the location. The apartment manager took me to see the apartment. It was nicer than I expected. The kitchen is just the right size to cook in with stainless steel appliances including a dishwasher. It's been a long time since I've had a dishwasher in an apartment I was renting. The living room is large, and the two bedrooms are both a nice size, one a bit larger than the other. The apartment has lots of closet space, which I need since I have too many clothes. Since I've lost weight, I need to go through my clothes and get rid of what doesn't fit anymore.


Anyway, I viewed the apartment and saw the basement's storage and laundry room. The apartment manager answered all my questions. When I asked her what the next step was, she said if I wanted the apartment, I just needed to tell her. She said she needed to look over my application but since I worked at the university and seemed a lovely person, she didn't see any problems. I told her I did want the apartment. She told me to email her when I got home so she had it in writing. I will be signing the lease on Wednesday. The move-in date will be after April 1st which gives me the month of March to get packed and ready to move. Thankfully, unlike the last two times I've moved, I have plenty of time I can take off to pack, move, and unpack. I could basically take a whole month off if I wanted to, but I won't take it all at once.


Perseverance paid off. I have a new apartment to move into, it is no longer in the town where I work, and I'll have some space away from the office. I had gotten very tired of living the closest to work. Every time there was an issue with snow or ice, and my coworkers were having trouble coming in, I had to be the one to open the museum. It usually meant I was there by myself, because on days like that, no visitors come to the museum either. I will also be able to move to a place with more privacy. I always felt like I was being watched at my current location. The other plus is this apartment complex sits on 80 acres near another college with many walking trails winding throughout the surrounding countryside connecting them to this other college. There will also be a pond right outside my bedroom window which should be lovely.


Yesterday was a good day until the drive home. It was snowing by the time I left the apartment, but not too severely. I needed to go to Walmart. By the time I got there, the sun was out. I quickly ran in and got what I needed. As I was checking out, a snow squall warning went off in the store, but the sun was still shining as I walked outside although there were dark clouds behind me. Since I was traveling away from the dark clouds, I thought I'd be fine. When I got on the highway, I found out it was closed between where I was and my exit due to a wreck. I had to take an extended detour, and just as I turned on the correct road to go home (I had gone a long way out of my way), the snow squall hit. There was a semi-truck in front of me, which was the only thing I could see because we were in almost complete whiteout conditions, and there was nowhere to pull off on the side of the road. I crept along behind that truck at 10 miles an hour, hoping I'd make it home safely. I did, but it was not easy. I completely lost traction going down one hill, but luckily, I kept the car going straight, and I did not hit the car in front of me. We got about 2 inches of snow in about an hour. It was crazy, but I made it home.


When I got home, I sent the apartment manager the requested email. She replied she would email me the lease to look over tomorrow. I will see her Wednesday to officially sign the lease and pay the deposit. 


It should be quite a week. I am off today because I worked on Saturday, and off on Tuesday to have a crown put on one of my back teeth. I'll sign the lease on Wednesday. The second season of Star Trek: Picard premieres on Thursday. Friday, I will be attending the postponed New Queers Eve in Burlington. A lot is going on. The following week, we have Monday and Tuesday off for spring break at the college. I'll only be working three days each week over the next two weeks.


  1. 1/ Brilliant, a new apartment with a beautiful view (I hope Isabella will like it) and a guest room! (for blog readers?)
    2/ Snow: I've always dreaded it; you don't have special tires? In Marseille, when it snows: everything stops.
    3/ Tomorrow: Shrove Tuesday, special meal with duck foie gras, donut,... We disguise .
    4/ The day after tomorrow, also a traditional meal: it's Ash Wednesday (entering Lent): aïoli
    (it is a complete dish with garlic mayonnaise sauce, boiled egg, cod, potato, carrot, green beans, ... boiled)

  2. I'd love that guest room to be for blog readers, uvdp. I have always enjoyed meeting my blog readers in person. I've only met a few in person, but it has always been a wonderful experience.

    I do have snow tires. The problem with yesterday was that the snow was coming down so heavily and the hill was so steep, that even my snow tires couldn't handle it. By the way, it is required in vermont that we have winter tires on our cars. It's just too unsafe not to, and of course, not just unsafe for the people in the car without the special tires but also all of the other people not he roads.

    Because I was raised Protestant, we have never had celebrations for Shrove Tuesday or Ash Wednesday. Some Protestant churches do have Ash Wednesday services and you'll see the cross of ashes on their foreheads throughout the day, but the main thing for the South is that Mardi Gras is tomorrow. In New Orleans, people will be eating a lot of King Cake, a pastry ring that is filled with cinnamon or fruit with purple, green, and gold icing. There is also a tiny plastic baby hidden in the cake.

  3. I'm sure you're relieved to be able to conclude the apartment search and while you won't know for certain until you've settled into this new space, it sounds like a significant upgrade with regards to the appliances, layout, space and surroundings. I hope you can make some happy memories there.

  4. Very happy that you got your move sorted, good luck in your new apartment, hope you and Isabella are very happy there.

  5. Very happy for you .

  6. Congratulations on the apartment and your driving skills. After all the moving take some time for yourself, you deserve it.

  7. What a relief for you and for your readers! I hope the move in goes well. Roderick

  8. Great news about the apartment. Glad you got home safely.

  9. So when do we show up to help you move? I'll buy lunch!! Congratulations. Sounds like a winner. Two bedrooms! And physical activity outside your door. You can take a date on a quick walk before or after dinner. Like the work distance thing. Yes, one has to set boundaries. I have to have a crucial conversation with one of my healthcare providers who does not understand that concept. Enjoy your new place.

    PS-How I unpack when I move. I take a room at a time. Empty all boxes for that room, put things away and then move on to the next. I would say kitchen and bedroom first.

  10. I'm happy to hear that things are looking up for you. I hope that carries over to the medical side as well.

    You probably already know this, but when you're packing, never, EVER, fill a packing box with books. The first time I did that--I was young and stupid--was the last time I did it. That's a hernia waiting to happen.

  11. Morale affects the physical. Follow the tips. Books in tiny boxes. Get help. Put on a lap belt.

  12. That's great news about the apartment, congratulations. I too am very excited about season 2 of Picard, the trailer is mind-blowing,


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