
Friday, March 11, 2022

Pic of the Day


  1. My god!! Stick within a reasonable range of your age. This kid is barely out of kindergarten.

  2. @VRCooper,

    Never judge on the apparences. I'm 71yo and has always been hairless and no beard to be able to grow on my face.
    While in my university years, from 20 t0 23yo I always had to show my IDs cards as I looked like a 14yo teen. I was 5F11 and was weighting 130 pounds, skinny that today are called twinks.

    In my highschool 5 years, I was the one who looked like a small kid and with no body hair I was ashame in the locker room as many of my friends were more hairy and even could grow beards. I was small, 5 F and very skinny too.

    Now I'm a old man but still with all my brown hair on my head and still no big belly too I look like some 50yo men.

    So trying to guess the age of a «boy» can be very misleading.

  3. The guy’s name is Benjamin Becker and he’s 21 or 22 I think. He’s definitely over 18 if his OF is any indication. 😂

  4. JiEL : 5F11 , 130 livres , le système internationnal décimal n'est il pas utilisé au Quebec ?

  5. @uvdp,

    Oui on utilise le système métrique pas mal partout comme pour les KM les Litres et le kilogramme mais dans le publique en général on utilise encore les pieds-pouces ou livres et surtout quand on parle aux amis des USA.

    D'ailleurs notre industrie du bois de construction doit encore utiliser le sytème anglais car on transige avec notre voisin, les USA, qui eux n'ont pas le système métrique.

    Nos voitures comme nos produits de consommations ont les deux système de mesures indiqués côte à côte.
    Quand on traverse la frontière ça nous prend quelques kilomètres ou mille pour s'habituer à leurs panneaux de limites de vitesses.

    C'est la dualité de vivre à côté d'un voisin puissant...

  6. VRCooper: I'm glad you're uncomfortable with a perception of pederasty, but if you must be literal about a man's age v. his appearance, then allusions to "kindergarten" are certainly not appropriate. You can't have it both ways.

  7. If you are old enough to have these photos taken, you are old enough to be desired!
    I am totally in love with Benjamin Becker and I vote for Belenos that if I meet him I will not be able to repress my desire to kiss his beautiful lips...! or whatever he leaves me!


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