
Monday, January 30, 2023

And So It Begins…

Such an ominous title, but honestly, it’s just what popped into my head as I started writing this. I really only mean that another work weeks begins today. We’ve made it back around to Monday again. My weekend did not go as expected. I had a great outfit ready for the Burly Bears event Friday night, and I actually looked good in it, or at least looked like I came out of the 1970s. However, I developed a migraine Friday afternoon, and it only got worse and worse. I had been excited to go, but I knew that driving to and from Burlington at night would be torture with a migraine. Bright lights always make my migraines worse, so oncoming headlights are difficult to handle. Anyway, I ended up going to bed before 8 pm and slept for nearly nine hours. 

I mostly felt better on Saturday, but I’d planned on doing absolutely nothing just to be sure. I had ordered a new blanket for my bed from Walmart, and it was delivered Saturday morning. The problem was that I had ordered light gray but got “gray mist” instead. Gray mist isn’t actually gray at all but more of a sea foam green. I used to have a car that color when I was in college. I hated that car mostly because of f that hideous color, but my parents had bought it for me. But I’m getting off topic. However, just like that car, I did not want sea foam green. The good thing about Walmart is that you can notify Walmart of your intent to return it online and then just take it to the customer service counter at your local Walmart. So, I braved Walmart on a Saturday afternoon. Truthfully, it wasn’t that bad. I got in and out relatively easy and walked away with a nice gray blanket. T wasn’t exactly what I wanted, but it will do and t is warm.

Sunday, I left my apartment exactly once to go pick up a pizza for lunch. The rest f the day was spent watching tv. I watched a movie called “Stage Mother” on Hulu. I had seen a trailer for it back when it came out, and it looked interesting. The story follows a conservative church choir director who inherits a drag club in San Francisco started by her deceased son, from whom she was estranged after he came out as gay. The movie was very sweet and heartwarming. I cried, and I laughed, and I cried some more, and laughed some more. I found the movie very emotional, although maybe a tad cliche. I enjoyed it nonetheless.

And that was my weekend. Now, on to the week ahead.


  1. Sorry for Burly Bears
    Anyway, I ended up going to bed before 8 pm and slept for nearly nine hours = You have to lock Isabela up so she doesn't wake you up at 5 hour .

  2. Bummer to read you couldn't go to the party. Did you snap a selfie in your outfit? You should post it on your blog to show everyone.


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