
Friday, June 30, 2023

Relaxing Weekend

I don’t have to go back to work until Wednesday. I’m working from home today, and Monday and Tuesday are holidays. I have no plans for my four day weekend.  Most likely, Isabella and I will just have a relaxing weekend at home. For my American readers, do you have any plans for Independence Day?


  1. Off to the Northern California Coast of Mendocino to relax and escape the Central Valley triple digit temperatures heading our way!!

  2. I'll have the traditional steamed salmon and peas for dinner. As with other taditional holiday meals, I suppose the tradition is based on what was available on that day before refrigerated transportation made iot possible to have foods from far away and out of season. I may cheat and have some blueberry pir even though my recollection is that the blueberries in the patch next door wouldn't be ripe quite yet. Lunch will probably be hot dogs — reserving the right to change my mind and have hamburgers instead.
    In the evening I'll go to the nearby park where I can see the fireworks just above the treetops as they burst a mile away.

  3. July 1st is Canada Day and there will be some celebrations in Montreal, Ottawa and in many other Canadian cities.
    But here and in Ottawa there will be no fireworks because the quality of the air by the forest fires still burning up north and it would add to the pollution.
    And also in respect for all those thousand of people who had to flee their homes to be safe from those fires.

    A sad celebration but there will be many concerts and the biggest is in front of our parliment in Ottawa.

  4. JiEL , ici en France nous sommes consternés par vos feux gigantesques de forets . Savez vous que vos fumées sont arrivées jusque dans le nord de la France ?

    En ce moment , nous avons beaucoup de "feux d'artifice" : des émeutiers ( voyous , pillards , incendiaires ... ) utilisent des mortiers d'artifice pour tenir à distance la police et les pompiers

  5. @uvdp,
    Oui bien sur que je suis au courant que notre fumée de nos feux de forêts ont rejoin l'Europe et la France. Ils ont aussi envahi les USA comme à New York, Détroit et aussi au sud que Washington.
    Normalement la pollution nous arrive des USA..

    Aussi on voit au nouvelles tout ce qui se passe chez vous après le décès de ce jeune homme.
    Un beau jeune homme qui meurt trop jeune.
    Faut croire qu'en France, les émeutes de rues sont monnaie courante.

    À Montréal et dans de grandes villes comme Toronto on a eu des tués semblables mais pas d'émeutes mais des manifestations calmes et respectueuses.

    J'ai des amis à Paris, Nancy, Nantes et Vichy alors je sais ce qui se passe chez vous.


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