
Monday, November 6, 2023

Too Early

I wish Isabella understood what the end Daylight Saving Time means. Sadly (frustratingly), Isabella only tells time with her internal clock. She doesn’t understand that it’s an hour earlier than she thinks it is. When it’s 4 AM for me, she (and her stomach) believes that it’s 5 AM. She only knows it’s time to eat. I wish we could understand each other. I’d love to ask her what food she wants because some days she’ll eat what I feed her, and a few days later when I feed her the same thing, she won’t eat it. If she could just say, “I want salmon, not chicken today” or “tuna, not salmon.” Sadly, I’m not Dr. Doolittle. Sigh!

While I can’t do anything about reading her mind about what she wants for her breakfast, she may get used to the time change while I’m away for work this week. My neighbor is feeding her, and he doesn’t come down first thing in the morning. Honestly, it doesn’t matter what time he comes down, she won’t eat her wet food if I don’t feed it to her. I mainly have my neighbor come down so she’s not completely lonely while I’m gone. He tries to get her to eat, but mostly he just plays with her. She’s very chatty with him while he’s here. She’s always happy to see him, but it doesn’t take the place of me being here. I wish I could just take her with me. She’d be much happier, but sadly, I can’t do that.

P.S. The picture above is not of me or Isabella. First, Isabella is solid black, and second, I would never have that comforter on my bed. I prefer more muted colors, and the one in the picture is too busy and too flowery for my tastes.

1 comment:

  1. Time change for Isabella : follow the farmers' method which consists of gradually shifting activities in increments of 5 to 10 minutes a few days before the time change.


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