
Wednesday, January 24, 2024


Is it nostalgia for a time when America was "great" or a return to a time when hate was the driving force in American politics? I’m talking about the Republican Party, or at least those who blindly follow the Cult of Trump. These cultist, and let’s face it, it is a cult, at least a cult of personality, want to turn back the clock, not just to elect Trump to the presidency again, but to spread their belief in hate against immigrants, the LGBTQ+, women, etc. They keep saying that they want to go back to a “more innocent time” and “Make America Great Again,” i.e. MAGA. The problem, there never was a “Great.” What they mean is to go back to oppression, back to a segregated America, back to a time when only white, “Christian” (Protestant, not Catholic) men were in charge of oppressing those they deem unworthy of freedom and prosperity. Instead of being horrified by Trump using the same words as Adolf Hitler in the 1930s, they celebrate it. Maybe they would not go as far as genocide, but they do want to force their cruelty on others. There were many Germans who claimed not to know what the Nazis were doing or had no knowledge of the Holocaust. The only way this claim could have ever been true is through willful ignorance. They did not want to know, so they ignored all the signs.


Leni Riefenstahl, a German director, producer, screenwriter, editor, photographer, and actress known for producing Nazi propaganda, is a prime example. She followed Nazi ideology and was one of its most effective promoters of its ideology with her propaganda films Triumph of the Will (1935) and Olympia (1938). After the war, Riefenstahl was arrested and found to be a Nazi "fellow traveler," but she was not charged with war crimes. Throughout her later life, she denied having known about the Holocaust, and was criticized as the "voice of the 'how could we have known?' defense." Shortly before she died in 2003, Riefenstahl voiced her final words on the subject of her connection to Hitler in a BBC interview: "I was one of millions who thought Hitler had all the answers. We saw only the good things; we didn't know bad things were to come."


Like the Trumpists of today, Riefenstahl hid her head in the sand because as long as Hitler was effective in his oppression, she believed his lies, or at least wanted to believe. The same is true of the MAGAts who follow Trump. He continues to spread lies that he won the 2020 election, when he did not even come close to winning. He had claimed he had a huge victory against Hillary Clinton in 2016, when in 2020 he lost to Joe Biden by the same number of electoral votes as Clinton was defeated by. Any rational person knows, Trump did not come close to winning, yet they stormed the Capitol on January 6, 2021, to follow Trump’s pleas for an insurrection because of “widespread voter fraud.” The only cases of voting fraud that have been discovered were actually committed by Republican voters. 

Their willful ignorance is making Trump the leading Republican presidential candidate. There are dissenters in the Republican Party, or Nikki Haley would not have done as well as she did in yesterday’s New Hampshire primary, but the majority are blindly following Trump’s lies and hateful speech. If (God forbid) Trump is elected again, how many will one day echo the words of Riefenstahl and say, "I was one of millions who thought Trump had all the answers. We saw only the good things; we didn't know bad things were to come”? It will never excuse their campaign of hate and bigotry in their false claims of “making American great again.”


  1. On Sunday, Pope Francis inaugurated a Year of Prayer ahead of the 2025 Jubilee, calling on the faithful “to pray more fervently to prepare ourselves to live properly this grace-filled event and to experience the power of hope in God.”
    We pray in France that an extremist like Trump is not elected.

  2. Your post today is just on the nail showing historicaly that humans never learn from the past when such big mouth haters are taking advantage of the people ignorance to install a policy of hate.
    Hitler was a Christian and even more than tRump would never be.

    From here, Canada, were are psychologicaly and politicaly preparing for another 4 years of King tRump in the White House with not much hope that the majority of Americans would open their eyes to elect Biden or any other more sensible candidate.

    We see USA's citizens as they are living in a dream to expect going back in time as you said BUT this old time isn't the reality now in 2024 and the 21st century.

    What I see and not hope is tRump in the White House BUT Democrats in both chambers to balance this idiot by blocking any of his none sense and idiotic policy.

    Now with that SCOTUS with its majority of RED judges is another none sense in USA where democracy is at stake.
    Canadians have also a Suprem Court but ALL our judges in any courts are neutral and are forbiden to even tell about their party affiliation.

    Having only two parties and at ALL your levels of politics and even in the police system is one of the most polarizing effect for your citizens.

    Praying for USA to be able to avoid the worst seem useless here.

  3. Amen; so be it...
    As a descendant of now New Mexico, my family lost their land when the Border cross them plus Treaties not honored. I am 81 years young and lived the area of the Suit Zoot area, Wetback Project and being a Roman Catholic, it was a sin to see movies that they didn't approve. Now, if these were the good old days, I hope not to be forced to pick up arms. (forgot Senator Joe R. McCarthy and his Attorney that their method of operation still is alive)

  4. Joe I could not have said it better myself.

    @JiEL your comments are spot on.

    I step back and realize P01135809 could not have advanced without his enablers. And that is sad to witness. Folks who are giving up their livelihood, respect, and dignity. Without them the false narratives could not advance. That is sad. The US has always had these types of people but they were kept at bay, tapped down. Now they have crawled out from under their rocks and are letting their crazy flags fly. I believe they love this false idol not necessarily because of the PERSON but what he stands for, what he espouses. They are like elk.

    Can you ever imagine in a thousand years that we have a presumed presidential nominee that has 91 indictments and other charges hanging over his head. Only in America.

    America better wake up or we will be like Germany in WWII. I believe things will get worse before they get better.

    Peace Out!!


  5. The narrative in the media should be more along the lines of "Haley did much better against Trump than expected," than "Trump is the winner." I hope Haley continues to rain on Trump's parade, to show that lot's of Republican voters, as well as independents, don't want him. Still, the likelihood is that he will be nominated. The hope is that he can't win. Ideally, he'll lose even bigger than he did in 2020.

  6. Los que no habéis tenido la desgracia de vivir bajo el peso de una dictadura debéis de luchar para que el tufillo de la dictadura no se apodere de las zonas libres que cada vez serán menos... Una dictadura se empieza con gente como Trump que es un ídolo y que con solo unas pocas palabras puede movilizar el asalto a todo un Capitolio.
    ¡¡Hay que luchar contra este tipo de Hitlers, Musolinis, Francos y Pinochets, son la gangrena de un país y curiosamente ellos siempre viven bien mientras otros mueren bajo sus leyes y sus discursos para locos.

    Ángel (Desde España que vivió 40 años de dictadura militar)

  7. Translation of Anonymous above---Thank you for your comment:

    Those of you who have not had the misfortune of living under the weight of a dictatorship must fight so that the whiff of dictatorship does not take over the free zones that will become fewer and fewer... A dictatorship begins with people like Trump who is an idol and that with just a few words he can mobilize the assault on an entire Capitol.
    We must fight against these types of Hitlers, Musolinis, Francos and Pinochets, they are the gangrene of a country and curiously they always live well while others die under their laws and their crazy speeches.

    Ángel (From Spain that lived 40 years of military dictatorship)

  8. Trump like Hitler, Carlson like Riefenstahl, rank and rapacious opportunists of the lowest form. :( -Rj


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