
Monday, May 13, 2024

Back to the Grind

After four days away from work, mostly spent relaxing and reading, I have to go back to work today. Trust me when I saw I wish I had another few days or even week off, but I have to go back to work sometime. I’m hoping to spend the day moving some items in my office to a new storage area. I have some equipment and such that just take up room in my office. I also need to do some filing that I have been putting off forever. While things are pretty slow as they usually are in the summer I’m hoping to get some things done, such as reorganizing my office. 

Also, next month, things are likely to be a bit busier because our new director is starting. I’m feeling better about that, but it’s still going to be a change. I’m hoping part of that change will be taking some of the burdens I’ve been dealing with at work and having our new director handle them.


  1. My glaring question is why are YOU not the new director.

    Hopefully, those personnel problems/issues/difficulties will be addressed aggressively. It's my experience that a small work group's dynamics are different than those of a larger group and little things can become boulders rolling down a hill at breakneck speed. And skirting things under the rug is not effective.

    Hopefully, in a short time changes will be afoot.

    Now who wants a PIP?

    Enjoy your week.

  2. Victor, I am not the new director because I did not want to be. First, I love my current position, and I'd have to give all of that up to be director. Second, I did not want to try and supervise the two women who would be working under me. Third, I really do not believe I would make a very good director. There are other reasons, but those are the most important ones.

  3. The museum would have given you the director position if you wanted it? Far more money? Could be a stepping stone to something bigger....the Met?

  4. RB, I’m pretty sure there’s a good chance I’d have been hired as the director, if I’d applied for it. The money would have been more, but each time they’ve hired a new director since I’ve been there, they have lowered the director’s salary. If I advance my career, it will be doing what I’m currently doing at a larger museum. I might decide at some point that I want to be a director, but not at this time in my life.


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