
Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Back to Work

After five days at home, I have to go back to the museum today. Friday and yesterday, I worked from home, so technically, I went back to work yesterday. However, this will be the first day back since last Thursday. This Thursday and Friday, I will be the only one at the museum. We have two work study students who might be in, I never know their schedules. Because we are a university museum, we don’t get a lot of visitors in the summer, so it’s entirely possible that I could literally be the only person in the museum on Thursday and Friday. Honestly, I don’t mind being there by myself. I can be more relaxed and even do some reading without being disturbed. I may do some filing that needs done, and I have a class to finish preparing for. Otherwise, there is nothing pressing that has to be done.


  1. Was thinking of you today when I read this article in the Advocate about Woodstock, VT pride.

  2. Thanks, BosGuy. When I moved to Vermont Nearly 9 years ago, there was one pride celebration in Burlington that took place in September and the parade lasted only about 20 minutes. There were no pride celebrations in June. Now the state has 16 different pride celebrations across the state, twelve of which are in June. It's been amazing to see the growth of the celebration of pride in Vermont.

  3. La celebración del Orgullo siempre mueve mucho dinero y por eso interesa ahora tanto.



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