
Thursday, May 16, 2024


I watched Star Trek: Discovery this morning when I got up, and considering where I work, this was a very interesting episode. However, because I watched the episode, I didn’t have much time to write a post today. So, enjoy your Isabella pic of the week. I took this one the other day.

Isabella: “Why are you disturbing me?”


  1. Thank you for the photo of Isabella, but you shouldn't disturb her!
    Is the gray fabric to remind him of the color of mice? She must not see many of them... I'm sure that frolicking in a meadow in search of field mice will give her great pleasure.

  2. Here I record Discovery on CTV/Scifi which is aired today at 21h.
    I like to see it on Friday evening and skip the ads.

    For Isabella she is a cute cat.

  3. ¿Por qué no pides audiencia para visitar a Isabel?
    Ella también tiene una agenda que atender.



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