
Friday, May 24, 2024

Five Days

First, I want to thank everyone for their kind words yesterday about my depression. I know it will get better. My depression tends to go in waves with highs and lows. All of you will never know how much it means to me that you care enough to read my daily musings and ramblings. ❤️

Today begins five days of not needing to go anywhere. I’m working from home today and Tuesday, but at least I don’t have to go to the museum, though I have a lot of work to do today, but it’s work that I enjoy. I’m preparing for a class I’ll be teaching in a few weeks. I love getting bogged down creating a PowerPoint presentation. Some people may find that boring, but I always find it to be a lot of fun.

And while I don’t have to go anywhere for the next five days, I am planning to go to the grocery store first thing this morning, so I can beat the crowds I expect stores to have over the holiday weekend. I also hope that I can get out and enjoy some of the beautiful weather we are expecting today through Sunday. Our forecast calls for sunny weather with highs in the low 70s, which I consider perfect weather. Next week won’t be as nice with rain every day and highs in the low 60s. The temperature I don’t mind, and while I like rain when I don’t need to leave my apartment, I don’t like it when I have to get out in it.

While Memorial Day is a holiday only in the United States, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and nice weather that you too can enjoy. 


  1. Happy Memorial Day weekend Joe, I hope you and Isabella enjoy it. And hopefully you're able to get outside and take a hike on the beautiful Vermont trails.
    Your daily musings mean a lot to me. I ALWAYS start my day perusing them.
    You and Isabella relax this weekend, you've earned it.

  2. Happy Memorial Day-The official start of summer.

    Enjoy your time off.

    Please take advantage of the good weather and go for a walk, a hike, or even chase the mailman down the street for a little physical activity.

    Give my best and a little tickle to Isabella.


  3. In France every November 11 we commemorate the anniversary of the end of the Great War of 1914-1918. It is also the day of homage to all those who died for France .

  4. You must spend a lot of time finding these guy pics. Just the right amount of nudity....taken right to the edge but not crossing the line.

  5. Disfruta del buen tiempo y de esa caminata por los senderos de algún hermoso bosque. Dedica un poco de tiempo para buscar un trébol de cuatro hojas, eso da mucha suerte.
    Dale un besito en una de sus suaves orejas a Isabel.
    Cuidate mucho José.


  6. Amo al chico de la foto



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