
Thursday, May 30, 2024

Goodbye, Discovery!

I used to always write my posts the night before, but for the past several months, I’ve been writing them first thing in the morning. However, this post, I wrote last night. I knew I would probably not have time to write one this morning. Why you might ask? The series finale of Star Trek: Discovery was released today, and I’m going to watch it before I go to work.

I’ll admit that Star Trek: Discovery has not always been my favorite Star Trek series. However, it was what brought Star Trek back to television, even if it was on a streaming service. Because of Discovery, we got Picard, Lower Decks, and Strange New Worlds. We also got Prodigy, but honestly, that one is really not worth mentioning. Discovery started the “New Trek” era. There have been ups and downs with this new era of Star Trek shows, but we got Star Trek back and it wasn’t through J. J. Abrams, who I think did Star Trek movies a major disservice.

I’ll hate to see Discovery end, and I’ll hate to see Lower Decks end with its next season, but we have at least two more seasons of Strange New Worlds to look forward to and the upcoming Section 31 movie with Michelle Yeoh and the recently announced Starfleet Academy series which will apparently have Holly Hunter as a lead actress. I’m not sure how I feel about that, but we’ll see how she does.

So, as one series ends, and another one about to end, Trekkies still have a lot to look forward to in the near future.

P.S. I hate to see the end of a series headed by Sonequa Martin-Green. As far as I know, she’s the only lead on a Star Trek series from Alabama, and she has a degree from the University of Alabama. Although Louise Fletcher, who played Kai Winn on Deep Space Nine, was also a fellow Alabamian, she was a recurring character, not a lead actress.


  1. I have to think that this was probably the same view the tattoo artist had. How ever did he concentrate and did he take longer than necessary for his enjoyment.

  2. … fyn en ryp esel / fine and ripe ass
    - Praetorius


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