
Friday, May 17, 2024


Friday couldn’t come soon enough this week. Although, it’s supposed to be cloudy today and tomorrow, Sunday should be a nice day. If Sunday does turn out to be nice, and I am feeling well, i.e., no migraine, maybe I can go for an early morning hike on Sunday. Even though tomorrow will be cloudy, if I wake up energized, I might take that hike tomorrow. The high temperature will be a bit cooler tomorrow than Sunday, but the Sunday morning temperature is expected to be lower than on Saturday. Because of all the rain and flooding we got last summer, I was not able to take some occasional hikes because the trails were damaged during the flooding, but hopefully, the trails will now be in good condition. I’ll definitely be careful, and if anything doesn’t look right, I’ll turn around.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!


  1. Hi I agree this. Friday could come sooner. This will be the first Saturday in a month it does rain here. Hope you get in the trails.

  2. ¡¡Ojalá puedas hacer esa caminata que deseas hacer y que los caminos se encuentren lo suficientemente bien como para poder transitar por ellos!!
    Agotarte caminando es una manera muy sana de descansar y relajarte.

    Cambiando de tema... ¡¡AMO a este chico de la foto!! ¿Puedes contarme algo sobre ÉL?


  3. What if you get a migraine while hiking deep in the forest?

  4. RB, if I got a migraine while hiking, I’d turn back and head home. Usually, I have signs that one is coming, so I plan my day accordingly.


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