
Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Busy Week

When I said Monday that I had a busy start to the week, I had not expected that not only would Monday not go as planned, but also that I would have meeting after meeting scheduled all throughout the week and more that I need to schedule.

When I arrived at the museum on Monday, I found that our environmental systems had gone haywire over the weekend, and it was over 90 degrees in the museum. It became quickly apparent that my class could not be held in the museum, so I had to find an alternate location and get the new classroom set up and ready to go. Once that was done, the day mostly went much smoother.

I have three meetings today, and more scheduled on Thursday and Friday. I’m on the hiring committee for two different positions in another department, and we are in the process of not only sifting through the applications and deciding who to interview. We are also scheduling first round interviews. We are trying to move quickly because we have found with other positions, we are losing the best candidates to other jobs. It’s been a difficult process.

With all that said, I really did not want to get out of bed this morning. I initially woke around 3:30 this morning and could not fully go back to sleep because I woke with a migraine; however, I have too much to do at work today to call in sick. I took my headache medicine first thing, and I am feeling better, so hopefully, I can make it through the day without too much of a problem.


  1. Ein Traum im Schlafzimmer.
    Sein Bild sollte Ihnen heute bei der Arbeit helfen.

  2. Después de un día tan complicado es normal que al día siguiente sufrieras una migraña y encima has dormido poco y mal.
    Seguro que Isabel estaría feliz por no tener que despertarte para su comida.
    Por cierto maravillosos chicos a los que lógicamente amo.



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