
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Lazy Morning

I’m getting a rare lazy morning, which is much needed after an exceptionally busy week. I won’t be going into work until around noon today. I will be working until about 8 pm tonight because I’ll be giving tours of the museum. In the meantime, I get to take it easy this morning. I’ll probably just do some reading, but whatever I do, I plan to take it easy.

I hope everyone has been having a good week. It’s half over, and I’ll be ready when this week comes to a close. I’m on two committees that are taking up nearly all my time at work leaving little time for other tasks I need to complete, but hopefully, things will slow down soon.


  1. Joe, have a lovely lazy morning. Mine today (Wednesday) has been very lazy in preparation for a new "encounter" this afternoon.
    Here the temperature is hotting up (29C) and so is the general election. It's for next Thursday. The Conservative government is predicted by all polls to fall quite spectacularly. Even Sunak, the Prime Minister, may lose his normally safe seat. He is intellectually brilliant but he's no leader and is lacking a sharp cutting approach to politics.

  2. I hope Isabella let you sleep.
    In Paris the temperature is also rising (31°C) and the elections are on Sunday. There are 2 extremist blocs that have a chance of winning. Pray for France please.

  3. En España estamos muy atentos a lo que ocurra en Francia este domingo. Ánimo y suerte!


  4. L'éloge de la paresse : ce n'est jamais tombé dans l'oreille d'un sourd


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