
Thursday, June 13, 2024

Less Stressful…Hopefully

I’m hoping today will not be as busy as yesterday. I felt like I was pulled into a dozen different directions at once yesterday. It seemed like every time I had a moment to take a break, an email or phone call came in that had to be dealt with right away. Then, there were all the meetings I had. I don’t think I had a single moment of peace all day. Sometimes, that’s a good thing. The busier I am, the less time I have to pay attention to the migraine I had woken with yesterday. I’m sure I’ll have more emails to deal with today, and I have one meeting, but it supposed to be an easier day. While the meeting I have today is not expected to be a low stress meeting, it’s one that I need to have. It’s something that my old boss failed to deal with, and I’m trying to work with my new director to fix some of those issues to diffuse some of the tensions at the museum. 

Here’s hoping today turns out to be a good day.

And here’s this week’s Isabella pic:
Lazy Little Lady


  1. Fortunately we see a pate and an ear of Isabella, otherwise we could have taken this black spot for a cushion!

  2. Un poco de respeto para Isabel, dirigir todo un reino es agotador.


  3. Ángel: Isabel no es católica sino protestante

  4. uvdp deberías de preguntarle a Joe qué le inspiró a bautizarla como Isabel, la reina Isabel I de Castilla conocida como Isabel La Católica, toda ella dignidad.


  5. Ángel is right, uvdp. Isabella was named after Queen Isabella of Castile. My previous cat was Victoria, named after Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Isabella rules as an absolute monarch, and I’m pretty sure she believes is her divine right, so Catholic or Protestant doesn’t matter, she was ordained by God to rule. 👑🐈‍⬛😂


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