
Saturday, June 15, 2024

Moment of Zen: Burgers 🍔

Sometimes, you just need a really good burger and maybe some fries.


  1. Oh no, no burger! It's not dietetic! Prefer vegetables, eat less meat.

  2. Once in a time burgers can be very nice to eat with frenchfries.
    In Montreal the best burger you can eat is at the Saloon in the gay village.

    A question of taste because in June 2022 I hosted a French man and I took him to the Saloon.
    Days after while he went to visite Montreal by himself (I was in bed because I caught the COVID) he came back saying he ate the best burger at Harvey's....

    Harvey's burgers a good but compare to the Saloon's was a offense and a sin for me.

    For the frenchfries the best ones I ever tasted are made in Belgium and they're served with their kind of mayonaise which is delicious.

  3. Hello Joe,

    Now don't get me started on burgers.

    It has been years since I have done fast food.

    But I do love a good classic burger and fries oh hell, through in a milkshake-old fashioned-and not one of those loaded with sugar.

    I have to sit down to eat and it better be in a restaurant-i.e. not a drive-through.

    I did a little research for you:

    Worthy Burger--

    Prohibition Pig--

    I am sure folks at the college can let you in on a secret place that is only known to the locals. Those are the best. I did that when I was in Chicago. I was on the Miracle Mile and was ready for lunch. I popped into a store and asked where THEY would go for a good burger. I was led down a side street and behold a restaurant popped up. No tourists and one of the best burgers I have eaten.

    Happy burger hunting.

    You know we are expecting a review.

    Have a great weekend.


  4. Victor, I have never been to Worthy Burger, but I know the students love it. I hear about it all the time. As for Prohibition Pig, I’ve eaten there several times, but always for the BBQ pulled pork and sweet tea. I’ve never had a burger from there, but the food is damn good. The only problem is they do not take reservations and the wait is usually between one and two hours. You can get in fine if you catch them at the right time, but it’s tricky and is mostly just lot of luck jus to get in.

  5. Pictures great! Burgers and fries (chips where I live), nah. I can live without them.

  6. ¿Hamburguesas y patatas fritas? Yo solo veo hermosos hombres muy deseables a los que amo sin condiciones.


  7. Fast food is getting so expensive you might as well make your own burger and fries.:( though In n Out and Carls Jr make the best burgers.:)

  8. My favorite fast food burgers are at Checkers (also called Rally’s in some places) or Five Guys.

  9. Tengo que conformarme con Burguer KING y con Macdonalds. Prefiero Macdonalds.
    En donde yo vivo no hay especial interés en las hamburguesas ya que culturalmente estamos acostumbrados a los grandes festines gastronómicos típicos de mi tierra (Asturias) que no tienen comparación con estas dos cadenas de comida rápida.
    Supongo que hablais de lugares donde la hamburguesa se elabora con cariño y con detalle y eso hace que su sabor sea incomparable con la de cualquier hamburguesería de las mencionadas. Me gustaría poder probarlas para cambiar mi opinión sobre el tema.



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